Example sentences of "often [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 Although she often maintained that it was her own choice not to attend , she told an American interviewer , I would love to go to board meetings where he [ Bernard ] is chairman but I 'm not invited .
2 She had lived in the States for several years but she still retained her British accent , though she often maintained that she loathed England and would never return to it .
3 The villagers often joked that if she met a German tank on the road to Berkeley , she would order it off the road and pass on as if nothing had happened .
4 Foreign teachers of English often joked that they could not pass TOEFL , but for the Chinese students it was no laughing matter .
5 Oh , I often studied that face covertly !
6 In the past , it often seemed that the fines were too small to be effective — the maximum fine a magistrates court can impose is £2,000 .
7 Before I met Maureen , it often seemed that for someone like myself , who was and is very interested in learning about all aspects of bird life , there was nowhere to go except libraries .
8 Out oil the compound , away from the news bulletins , those who lived and worked with the Africans often forgot that some were black and others white .
9 In some earlier relations , notably those of the productive post-artisanal and the market professional , it indeed quite often happened that a work originated in a commission , from a bookseller or publisher .
10 Final scores were much lower on both tests , and they often indicated that symptoms were no longer clinically significant .
11 As a struggling poet in the late twentieth century , I often thought that some early poets achieved publication very easily .
12 In an obituary , Seamus Heaney wrote , ‘ There was about him a delicate wildness , and he often thought that the hare , about which he had gathered so many entrancing stories , was his proper , total animal .
13 Like all fighters in tight little bands , the players in Iran-contra often felt that they were not understood : nos contra mundum .
14 John McLaughlin often felt that guitar controllers lacked spontaneous reaction to attack , something that Lampi does n't have to worry about ( though McLaughlin 's new Photon system seems to work quite well over a range of sounds ) .
15 She often felt that she had let him down .
16 Even in the smaller specific groups , women often felt that they were struggling against thinly-disguised misogyny .
17 I have often missed him , often felt that if only I could talk over a particular problem with him he would help me to see the way .
18 She often felt that people were watching her .
19 Joanne often felt that she could have taught a topic to the whole class in a fraction of the time it was taking them to find it out for themselves .
20 Rulers often felt that a hereditary privileged class alone possessed the sense of personal honour which was seen as an essential ingredient in the make-up of a successful officer .
21 In practice this often meant that immature minds would take over Leavis 's own evaluations without relating them to their own experience of literature , resulting in the diffusion of callow or inept judgements that has been condemned from the right by C. S. Lewis and from the left by Catherine Belsey .
22 The remainder were to be preserved or put to other uses , but delays in reaching decisions often meant that the buildings had been severely vandalised by the time they were available for conversion .
23 This gave them a cushion of safety but often meant that the opposition found it easier to make space in midfield .
24 The State tried to expropriate the produce even of peasants , gardens , but native cunning — bargaining with , and even bribing , officials of dubious enthusiasm for the Party line — often meant that rural households could escape from the worst deprivations of the towns .
25 Although , as Beaumanoir stated at this time , the magnates were ‘ sovereigns within their baronies ’ , they were supposed to execute the crown 's ordinances — which often meant that they anticipated royal legislation by legislating in their own name for their own domains .
26 If the Federation took up a case , it often meant that the worker in question was dismissed on some pretext , accused of robbery for example .
27 If a comrade paused to lend a hand , it often meant that two would drown instead of one .
28 Also , John often insisted that the treatment of black people in South Africa had been an important factor in his decision .
29 Similarly , as we have seen , householders often insisted that female domestic servants must remain single .
30 In the 1980S , as the communications industries multiplied and expanded , and the number of policy-actors and centres of decision ( local and regional as well as national ( proliferated , it often appeared that the right hand did not know what the left was doing .
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