Example sentences of "information [is] give " in BNC.

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1 No other information is given about the work itself , although there is a brief biographical note about the sculptor .
2 Because not enough information is given to buyers on the sheer expense and time needed to feed , train , groom and generally care for a dog .
3 Interpretation is the process through which information is given meaning and actions are chosen .
4 Now , the EC has produced a Directive which will mean that , if nutrition information is given , it is presented in a standard way on all food labels .
5 According to the EC Directive , when nutrition information is given , it must be given in one of two ways :
6 For example , rather than cover item by item the information given to new residents and staff with questions such as ‘ Do you tell them where the post office/bed room/toilet/ etc is ? ’ , it was necessary to ask the broader question of ‘ What information is given to newcomers ? ’ , resulting in a discussion about an informative brochure that everybody received on arrival at the EPH .
7 Full information is given in NERC Training Awards , obtainable from NERC , Polaris House , North Star Avenue , Swindon SN2 1EU , tel : 0793 411500 .
8 Full information is given in Studentships and Fellowships , obtainable from SERC , Polaris House , North Star Avenue , Swindon SN2 1ET , tel : 0793 411000 .
9 Further information is given in the ‘ Making Your Own Printed Circuit Boards ’ series .
10 Thus press-released information is given to analysts enabling calculations to be made of how the required change would affect a company 's results .
11 For this reason , some basic ophthalmic information is given that will , it is hoped , clarify the cause of some of the problems that visually handicapped pupils can face .
12 In addressing the problem of how British headhunting firms , in competition with the multinational search companies , were able to create and develop a sustained demand for headhunting services , it would be unnecessarily long-winded and tedious to examine every one in detail , yet at the same time it would be sketchy and uninformative to list them all briefly without analysis , and the basic information is given in the Select Directory .
13 More detailed information is given in the series of Handbooks on the Regional Geology of Great Britain and Northern Ireland published by HMSO for the British Geological Survey .
14 Further information is given in Plant and others ( 1983 ) and also Plant ( 1986 ) .
15 Additional information is given in MEG 257 , 259 , 260 and 261 .
16 Further information is given in Appendix 2.1 .
17 Additional information is given in Dewey and others ( 1920 ) .
18 Additional information is given in Dewey and others ( 1920 ) .
19 Further information is given in Section 5.2 .
20 The information is given in no particular order and the copy is confused .
21 Information is given in a booklet published by the Bar Association for Commerce , Finance and Industry entitled Barristers in Business : address to 63 Great Cumberland Place , Bryanston Square , London W1H 7LJ ( tel. 01–723 9556 ) .
22 When installing the software information is given but this approach is more expected of public domain or ‘ free ’ software , not a commercial product .
23 Enough information is given to provide the reader with a grasp of the essentials of each area .
24 This entails listening , observing and relating to both what is being said and to the feeling with which this information is given ’ ( Neill , 1989 , p. 8 ) .
25 Some information is given about these iron deposits in Postlethwaite 's Mines and Mining in the Lake District page 127 .
26 In school textbooks a certain amount of information is given , for example in a maths problem .
27 Very little information is given in the about the life of Fahreddin Acemi , and very little more is to be found in the other biographical sources .
28 Detailed introductory administrative information is given , bearing in mind the possible reaction of hospital staff to this choice of ‘ funeral ’ and the need to induce their cooperation .
29 The data for Batches 1 and 2 is complete and for Batch 3 , the latest information is given .
30 ‘ … the invitation is made or the information is given by or on behalf of a body corporate , a single individual , or a group of connected individuals for the purposes of or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of shares in a body corporate other than an open ended investment company between parties each of whom is a body corporate , a single individual , or a group of connected individuals , being shares which —
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