Example sentences of "know to be " in BNC.

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1 Will it not be found that the political activity of societies consists ordinarily , perhaps invariably , in filling sieves and making sand ropes — sieves which those who fill them half know to be sieves , sand which those who weave it into ropes suspect to be sand after all ?
2 If you are new in the area your estate agent will be pleased to recommend a firm whom they know to be reputable .
3 Never apply it to a document that you know to be false or incorrect .
4 Any one of us may also apprehend an individual whom we know to be , or whom we have reasonable grounds for suspecting to be , guilty of such an offence as long as it has been committed .
5 Whilst I entirely agree with Nochlin 's decision not to amend any of the articles ( ‘ despite the strong temptation to correct what I now know to be errors of fact or feel to be mistakes of interpretation ’ , p. xii ) , neither should they have been allowed to stand in an historical vacuum .
6 We are clearly never obliged to follow any human direction contrary to what we know to be scriptural or morally right .
7 At this time I remember too the widely reported story I had once thought apocryphal but now know to be in Dr. Ronald Glasser 's The Body is the Hero .
8 We must see how this doubt develops and be careful to presuppose only what we know to be true and to commit ourselves consciously to the consequences of these suppositions .
9 ( These diets could be said to have been half-right , in that they did cut out refined carbohydrates , but unfortunately without adding fibre-rich carbohydrate foods which we now know to be of such help to slimmers . )
10 All was well algae-wise apart from a smear of brown algae on the glass , some beard algae on the bogwood and on some of the slow-growing plants and what I now know to be the tell-tale sign of a thin greasy film on the water surface , which is present long before it thickens up into slime algae .
11 It has taken me 30 years to come to terms with my own guilt , which I now know to be unjustified , and with my anger .
12 Until then I had always held the view that police officers do not fabricate evidence against men they know to be innocent , but rather against those whom they genuinely , if mistakenly , believe to be guilty .
13 ‘ being a person on foot ’ This point is proved by the officer or traffic warden stating in evidence ‘ A man , I now know to be John Smith , stepped from the kerb on the south side of the road and walked towards me in contravention of my signal to him to stop etc . ’
14 The vast majority of these fish I have kept over long periods and know to be reliable , easy to keep and in the case of some , very long lived .
15 Vaccines made from blood and gammaglobulin are not know to be a risk .
16 Examples include the attractive Devonshire Cup Coral , Caryophyllia smithi , which is a warm water species with a rather restricted distribution in the south and west ; or perhaps the attractive Leopard spotted Goby , Thorogobius ephippiatus a small fish know to be plentiful in the Mediterranean , but seen mostly by SCUBA divers .
17 Consequently , unless we are convinced of the possibility of a reductive account of knowledge , let us not tie our hands by refusing to make use of facts that we know to be true .
18 Rather , we can characterize particular features of our perceptual apparatus ( which we know to be the source of their reliability ) and ask for an explanation of those features .
19 Under these circumstances the process we know to be distributed across all of the input/output cell connections appears to be localized in one neuron .
20 Iago continues in other , more familiar postures , professing love to Othello and Desdemona ( III.iii. 119ff. , 136ff. , 196ff. , 213ff. , 218f. , 225 ) and feigning a sympathy for their sufferings which we know to be a covert expression of his gloating : As Cicero said , there is no more flagrant injustice than ‘ that of the hypocrite who , at the very moment when he is most false , makes it his business to appear virtuous ’ .
21 Gaseous or diffuse nebulæ , which we know to be stellar birthplaces , are in general rather disappointing binocular objects , though there are a few exceptions such as M42 , the Sword of Orion ( not to be confused with the Sword-Handle in Perseus ) .
22 It 's full of hope and warmth , and utterly convincing , down to the catch in Christy 's voice , which from past experience , I know to be genuine .
23 However , in the passage in which he specifically considers whether a woman can be ordained , his answering in the negative , it must be pointed out , is dependent on biological presuppositions which we now know to be false .
24 The further question arises as to whether the myth is not false to what we know to be the case concerning the origin of humankind .
25 The judgment we know to be mistaken , the case it supports too drily utilitarian .
26 This overt intervention in our lives was experienced by me as entirely beneficent , so I find it difficult to match an analysis of the welfare policies of the late forties which calls " the post-war Labour government … the last and most glorious flowering of late Victorian liberal philanthropy " , 6 which I know to be correct , with the sense of self that those policies imparted .
27 Proof Half of the theorem has been proved already ; Lemma 1.3.9 and Remark ( ii ) following it show that every integer greater than 1 ( respectively , less than -1 ) can be expressed as a product of ( respectively , -1 times a product of ) finitely many positive irreducibles ( which we now know to be primes ) .
28 Construct the nonsense words to fit what you know to be the specific difficulties of the pupils .
29 Well , from Cizek 's point of view , it is much better that they should draw as they know to be , than for him to show them by means of perspective how to draw the house as it is seen by the camera 's eye .
30 This principal asserts that if a knows that p and that p implies q , a also knows that q ; we always know to be true any propositions we know to be the consequences of a proposition we know .
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