Example sentences of "they feel be " in BNC.

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1 Now our government of course , still bolted completely to Reaganomics , Thatcheromics whatever , just believes that business should just get on and do what it wants and drive wages down and sack people if that 's what they feel 's best .
2 These stories also serve to give to the part-time reserve police a self-respect which they feel is otherwise lacking from an organization which undervalues and marginalizes them .
3 ‘ My dear , they 'll do whatever they feel is necessary to do .
4 Some of the compound loss that they feel is therefore balanced out .
5 The group considers which aspect of the issue they feel is most important ( for example the guidance in the Bible , unity , tradition , etc . ) .
6 They say land values are going to soar and are incensed at Costner 's demand that local laws be changed to raise the maximum gambling stake from £3 to £60 — a move they feel is certain to attract crime .
7 Flacks and his colleagues , opposed to the public company which they feel is designed to produce dividends for major shareholders rather than quality signings , said : ‘ Every speaker at the meeting was against the plc .
8 Parents will often pace what they reveal initially , giving only information that they feel is required .
9 And people are sometimes aware that the kind of stress they feel is different depending on what the stressful circumstances are .
10 Artists express in their own way what they feel is saintly , what is sinful
11 Often I suggest to children that the piece of paper could be used for learning about the subject they 've decided on , or which I 've given them , in any way they feel is right .
12 Erm the police will only apply their resources to a matter which they feel is appropriate to the need of that particular problem .
13 We believe that many teachers who adopt such modes of interaction , though they do so partly as a matter of habit , are also responding to what they feel is expected of them .
14 The admission of several neutral countries need not lead to a stifling of their differences within a monolithic defence structure ; it could instead lead to a flexible approach to defence , in which individual Member States integrate to the extent that they feel is necessary and beneficial .
15 But such a response implies that next period their stocks of goods will be lower than they feel is optimal , and they will therefore want to build them up again by producing more next period than they otherwise would .
16 Firstly , the order took nine weeks to complete which they feel is unacceptably long .
17 But the management of Kelly 's have hit back at what they feel is unwarranted criticism .
18 It is nevertheless of interest to see from their reaction to the various issues raised in the questionnaire , just what it is about the scheme ( and about SSE generally ) , which they feel is threatening .
19 This is proving not to be the case , as feelings run increasingly high over what is evolving into a conflict of classes — between pro-hunting locals and what they feel is a wealthy Parisian clique .
20 They will make what they feel is the right decision . ’
21 to work together and deliver an effective result because nobody gains anything in the eyes of the people of this county by allowing this thing to go on and on and on and what they feel is if we ca n't get to grips with it what on earth are we doing with our existence .
22 erm They do n't like them to buy copies of the school reading scheme and keep it at home and go through it book by book , that they feel is encroaching on their professionalism .
23 All in Mr Honecker 's image , tough and second rate , they are not inclined to give up the hunting lodges and chauffeurs they feel are their due .
24 Instead they are looking for to recruit people between 45 and 65 , who they feel are more likely to remain cool in the crises which plague , that kind of holiday .
25 Instead they are looking for to recruit people between 45 and 65 , who they feel are more likely to remain cool in the crises which plague , that kind of holiday .
26 The delinquency undertaken by these youths is the result of certain actions which they feel are not very remarkable , based around the search for a bit of interest and excitement .
27 The success of such tasks as activators of language use for learning will depend on the extent to which they engage the learner in conceptual and communicative activities which they feel are worthwhile in their own right ( see Prabhu 1987 ) .
28 They use it to eliminate those candidates they feel are totally unsuitable .
29 The first is the relationship ; as we have seen , people are only prepared to talk openly to those who they feel are genuinely concerned , and who have both the time and the interest to understand .
30 Resistance to linguistic change is related to the way people think of language as a fixed point in the flux of experience , and cling to the certainties they feel are embodied in language .
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