Example sentences of "they [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Mixed exhibitions tend to have rather perfunctory introductions and catalogue entries ; the same is often true of exhibitions arranged by groups of artists , though they may have statements of aim or even an artists ' manifesto .
2 Even taped interviews can only be read with caution , since they may have been edited , and the reader will not be told how .
3 New faces are arriving all the time and in some cases actors make a quick start with a first job or they may have a relatively long wait before they get off the mark .
4 We talk about sweet and sour but they may have five different sweets and five different sours . ’
5 Her films are by no means as simple as they may have first appeared .
6 One possible theory about why some people are much more affected than others is that they may have had traumatic experiences of falling as a baby or a young child , and that this has further re-inforced their instinctive behaviour .
7 AIDS is an everyday topic in the papers and on television ; there is every chance that your children have become interested , even at a young age , but they may have misunderstood things and have some strange ideas .
8 It is important for you to talk with them about AIDS , to explain the important facts and to answer any questions they may have .
9 Encourage them to talk to you about any worries or problems they may have .
10 Make sure you understand what you are being offered and why , and also the possible effects they may have .
11 Age Concern England receives thousands of enquiries a year about many of the problems which older people face and the changes which they may have to cope with .
12 They may have a medical problem which the doctor can help with , but the doctor can also help them to find help at home .
13 They may have lost their feudal rights and their privy purses , but in many of these formerly-gilded princedoms there remains a powerful bond between ex-rulers and ex-ruled .
14 But his reservations outweigh his praise : ‘ They may have done some good in creating interest in two people who 've made major innovations in twentieth-century music , but they 've also given a negative impression : that the people involved in this music have serious flaws in their personalities .
15 If the IRA is involved , they may have been dumped after the discovery of an IRA bomb factory in Clapham , south London , last December , in which 150lb of Semtex , arms and other equipment were discovered , with a list of 100 potential targets .
16 Behind the scenes they may have affected the prime minister directly .
17 They may have it from Spain , they may have it from Prussia .
18 They may have it from Spain , they may have it from Prussia .
19 They realize they may have missed an event .
20 They may have noted gaps in the company 's roster of artists which need to be filled .
21 They may have to settle for royalties which are lower than they would prefer .
22 They may have other qualities which are worthwhile having , but trying to get them to change their minds requires one kind of approach .
23 By signing the Convention and Protocol , Britain chose to receive refugees favourably and not return them to countries where they may have reason to fear persecution .
24 They may have felt a degree of excitement as they turned their cameras on a train arriving at a station , waves crashing on the beach , or a group of workers emerging from their daily grind in the factory , but these early pieces of reportage were seen as nothing more than ‘ animated photographs ’ , a further step in the development of photography .
25 They may have to turn to the courts for satisfaction .
26 They may have to turn to the courts for satisfaction .
27 If the US team were hoping to hear that martial law may soon be lifted , they may have been forestalled by a tiny but significant demonstration on the streets of Beijing .
28 What is becoming increasingly evident is how much we have to learn from dolphins — and how much they may have to teach us .
29 To the charge that Victorians sentimentalised the deaths of their children has been added the allegation that they may have inflicted psychological damage by bringing them prematurely into contact with death .
30 The words of the Johannine Jesus , ‘ I came that they may have life , and have it abundantly ’ , are in the end apt comment on this story .
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