Example sentences of "had [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 After another fortnight you had enough for twelve or sixteen .
2 He had enough for his day-to-day needs , of course , but he would be hard-pressed to see himself through another month if he was to live in the style befitting a gentleman .
3 Ignoring the suddenly bright gleam in his eyes , she bent and grabbed the hem of her shift , tearing the flimsy material easily until she had enough for a bandage .
4 ‘ After paying for the carpet we still had enough for a small celebration . ’
5 When Zen judged that he had enough for his purposes he pointed to the Fiats .
6 Members held raffles and donated cash until they had enough for the Olympic bar .
7 In Emendatio Vitae he acknowledges the variety of modes of expressing this kind of insight : He continues with a memorable expression of the joy in the play of faith " myrth in mynde had gostely for lufar euerlastynge , with grete voys oowt brekand " ( 12.127.16 – 28 ) .
8 Talk about the dreams you had together for the future .
9 Suddenly she felt a glowing warmth deep inside ; he could never betray her , could never sell what they had together for the cheap thrill of recounting an old , sordid story .
10 Table 15 indicates that 45% of authorities experienced an increase in allocated money , while 31% had the same amount and 11% had less for 1984/5 .
11 The hard core of support seemed to have risen slightly during the year , but voting Green in the Euro-elections had not for most of the voters signified a new allegiance .
12 He had not for one minute , he said , imagined this could happen and they had even planned to move to Mexico where he was in the process of renovating a house for them ; the bedrooms were complete and he had made a nursery for Michelle 's daughter , China , never to be occupied .
13 Certainly there would have been no satisfaction in such behaviour if the would-be escaper had not for a time at any rate believed in himself
14 There were , of course , the inevitable forms to fill in and letters of condolence to answer , but I realized that I had not for a moment , since before the previous Christmas , given a thought to the prospect of life for one .
15 Innately more conservative than its urban counterpart , the rural community had not for the most part engaged in widespread and overt political protest in response to the strains that were placed upon it .
16 If she went to the Dordogne she would be facing a life that had gone on without her , a life that had not for one minute taken her into consideration .
17 Though before she could get in with a quick plea for an interview , Vendelin Gajdusek revealed that he had not for a moment forgotten the way in which the Dobermann had attached himself to her ankle , by decreeing , ‘ You 'd better come into the house and have some antiseptic put on that wound . ’
18 To think of it another way , if you were asked to mend a broken chair you would not use every tool you had just for the sake of showing that you had them .
19 We saw things like they had yesterday for about four pounds .
20 He had also for some reason tried to mask part of his window .
21 Habitually a somewhat forgetful person , I had also for a couple of days been trying to remember the name of the director of the film Such Good Friends .
22 You can be had up for blackmail , you know .
23 No , I do n't think so , you 'll probably get , get had up for having a erm brothel
24 What political integration still remained had now for the most part little to do with Nazi idealism or belief in the genius of the Führer , but in the common fear of the consequences of defeat and hatred of the enemy coupled with reserves of patriotic defiance .
25 She was different , after all , he decided , in her hat , and with the grained leather gloves neatly folded , and Gaily had n't for a moment the wit to see this , prepared self as the false one and her accidental self , in an older coat and head-scarf , of Saturday night , the true one .
26 We were talking I think this is the thing about clawback , er this year our erm receipts taken into account are two point three eight million as opposed to last year er this is taken into account we drew four hundred and seventy five thousand , that 's a huge jump erm the government by in telling us we can send this er this er what I call minuscule carrot erm this year er the capital receipts from November last year until December next year erm a anyone had undoubtedly for most of that back in the in in the use er er a grant and I think it , as the government have actually kept extremely quiet on this subject , that seemed to be the scenario that seems most likely to happen .
27 ‘ Why , Mummy , ’ the child was asking in the bath , tickling her little bottom moving up and down on the sandy deposit at the bottom of the bath until Tony had nowhere for his legs , ‘ when the sky is blue very very blue all over and you look at it is it white ? ’
28 Downing Street could n't turn down this gift horse for fear of offending the President but at the same time , they had nowhere for him to go so since March , Maxat , a champion racehorse , was stuck in these Turkmen stables waiting impatiently , getting flabby and fractious .
29 Isabel Lavender had never for one moment doubted that everything would somehow , eventually , go her way , though she could accept the idea of temporary setbacks .
30 She had read of this sort of thing often enough ; she had heard of its happening to other people — even to people she knew — but she had never for one moment imagined that it could happen to her .
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