Example sentences of "his life 's " in BNC.

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1 One of Leonard 's few memories of his father ( in addition to his monocle , his spats and his hair smelling of Vitalis ) is that of his reading , both privately and aloud , to him and his sister — precious moments that fired the young boy 's imagination and set him , although no one realised it at the time , in the direction of his life 's work .
2 One might almost pity the frail old man in East Berlin , seemingly helpless and uncomprehending as his life 's work crumbles around him .
3 C H SISSON — poet , translator , novelist , critic , polemicist , former Whitehall mandarin and the candidate who should have won Oxford 's Chair of Poetry — has finally unveiled his life 's story , most of it told , with typical unconventionality , backwards .
4 INTREPID Peter Bottomley , former scourge of the dozy British motorist , has not abandoned his life 's work just because Her Indoors shunted him from Transport to Northern Ireland .
5 His Questions au soleil levant received the Grand Prix de Poesie de l'Academie Francaise , but although it awarded him medals , the Academy never granted him the membership that was his life 's ambition .
6 Having been taught that , at a time when priests were not disagreed with , it is small wonder that John Kennedy should have involved himself , and thousands after him , in an anti-Communist crusade in Vietnam ; that Joseph McCarthy should have conducted his anti-Communist witch-hunts ; or that Casey should have made the fight against Communism his life 's work , even asking that money should be given after his death not for flowers , but for the contras .
7 In his lunch breaks Doisneau pored over books on photography , and at weekends he set off alone with a heavy wooden camera and tripod to capture the first of the ‘ personal ’ photographs that would be the basis of his life 's work .
8 Its dynamism and success in its early stages owed much to Derek Morrell , a civil servant in the effective reforming tradition of Morant , who died in 1969 with his life 's work sadly incomplete .
9 It is difficult to pinpoint the source of his life 's inspiration .
10 Hoomey enjoyed it , his spirits only moderately dashed on the way home by Sam 's pointing out that his life 's ambition was now fulfilled .
11 He had achieved his life 's ambition .
12 It was no less a figure than Professor Derek de Solla Price , in his Little Science , Big Science , who expressed one perspective on science in the following terms : ‘ We may define a man 's solidness … as the logarithm of his life 's score of papers .
13 This epic work is very much Mehra 's creation , the result of an obsession dating back to 1952 , when he decided to make the study of the history of quantum theory his life 's work .
14 It was his life 's work .
15 His life 's work in setting up homes for people with disabilities was ‘ a shining example ’ of what a person could achieve , she said .
16 And he did , up to the hilt , as soon as it was clear to him that Vincent had chosen his life 's work and intended to concentrate on it enthusiastically , against all the odds .
17 Nevertheless , he designed and wired the control panel and delighted both in his consultant capacity and also in being again involved in his life 's obsession on what to him was virtually home ground .
18 How I long to see the black kid depicted as something other than the tam-donning , dope-smoking , unemployed gang member , structuring his life around reggae music , blues parties , and thieving , and phrasing his life 's ambitions in terms of one day to the next with little or no positive orientation to the world and an outlook flavoured by prejudice and ignorance .
19 In Moscow at least , in official circles the activity in which he saw his life 's meaning was never given the recognition that it deserved .
20 This is difficult to conceive , and it may be wrong , but some such hypothesis seemed called for to Freud 's mind at the end of his life 's work in psychoanalysis .
21 It was only after his second marriage , when he was able to share his life with another human being , that he began to take any real satisfaction in his life 's work .
22 I was vividly aware of the far reaching and vast contribution that Basil had made to education , to values , to the good influences of the Authority on teachers and children , colleges , schools and students , and I am of the privileged few who were able to work with Basil in the early days of struggles , so I know how much , how very much he did — So I felt that at least he had fulfilled — as nearly as we can ever judge — so much of his life 's work even to the developments in his own personal creative medium — and this must be a comfort to you as well as to us who knew him as a friend and colleague .
23 It was Cizek 's reputation that drew him to Vienna ; it was the spirit of this outstanding man that he brought to his life 's work in Yorkshire .
24 It has been his life 's work .
25 It was there that he found not only his life 's vocation , but his future wife who was also teaching at the school .
26 In 1848 he began his life 's work — the mission in Burntisland , Fife .
27 In 1905 Hammerton was invited to join Harmsworth 's Amalgamated Press , then the largest periodical-publishing empire in the world , and for the next seventeen years his employer 's energetic and ‘ radium-like personality ’ , as described by Hammerton , provided him with the background to his life 's work .
28 The result was the crown of his life 's work and his lasting monument .
29 The illustration of Clifton Hill with its icy reserve and its windows cut directly into the ashlar without surrounds is easily the most stylistically advanced in The Complete Body of Architecture that Ware published in 1756 to celebrate his life 's work .
30 ‘ You 've carried on his life 's work , and added to it your own interpretation of the skills he taught you . ’
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