Example sentences of "not for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Aline 's insight underlined my conviction on holiday that this was one tale not for retelling .
2 Healings have managed to stay in business and take advantage of the cost effectiveness of water , not for powering wheels , but as a navigable waterway .
3 The ACLU also notes the inconssstency that an employee can be punished for smoking a joint on his summer holiday , which leaves a residue that can be detected for weeks , but not for getting drunk in the evening of a working day .
4 This might be a reason to get one , NOT for getting stewart .
5 I 'm not for taking the kids on holiday .
6 I want , on your behalf , to send a clear message to-day to Government and to Employers — the gains that working people have made for themselves and their families — gains that have made their world a fairer place — are not for taking back and will not be given back ’ .
7 We 'll not follow these quangos , we 're not for taking away the power , the power should mean at least we 're accountable .
8 She stood over a great , three-legged cooking pot , but the stew she was pounding with a pole was not for eating : it was the monthly wash .
9 In other words it was recognised that community care is not necessarily , and not for ail , a cheaper form of care .
10 But unions are for representing people properly , responsibly , not for using as some vehicle for your own political obsessions .
11 His group are not for listening , they 're for telling people .
12 But not for stealing , for erm something else .
13 Despite their scepticism , readers said they found the press useful , particularly for guiding their voting decision if not for providing information .
14 We are saying that there is a structural weakness in the United Kingdom and that we need a strategic authority , not for providing services , but for developing and co-ordinating —
15 But before our guests left I had reluctantly decided this was one story not for telling .
16 They are not for messing about .
17 Lizards , too , have small , leaf-shaped teeth with edges coarsely serrated ; good for shredding but not for chewing .
18 Customs have set new guidelines and anyone bringing in more will be asked to confirm that their goods are not for reselling .
19 The C-terminal portion of region 1 , poorly conserved in the related IE proteins of the α-herpesviruses , was also included in our expressed peptide ; the role played by these additional residues is not fully understood but deletion analysis on the 140k DNA binding domain found them to be necessary for the production of a clear DNase I footprint but not for binding in gel retardation assays ( see below ) .
20 Rewards are for the CB , not for stopping behaving badly when asked .
21 ‘ More care and concern , especially for disadvantaged pupils ’ runs headlong into ‘ Teachers are not social workers : school is for learning , not for trying to rectify social injustice ’ .
22 The teacher is condemned , not for trying to be strong , but for being unsuccessful in her attempt to reassert authority :
23 There were thus good reasons for holding dollars but not for holding them in the USA .
24 not for holding hands .
25 I 'm not for holding back children .
26 I 'm not for holding back children .
27 ‘ Yer never used to be like that till they came wi' their hot water and their olive oil — oil 's fer boilin' people not for washin' in . ’
28 These garments were designed for messing around in stables , not for meeting and greeting the electorate .
29 Covenants also appear in leases where the person letting the property includes terms in the lease which restrict the person renting the property as to the use he or she can make of the property , e.g. the premises are to be used only for storage , not for retailing goods .
30 Questions of the witnesses credibility may be relevant , and will be considered below ; that his evidence is controversial , taken alone , merely establishes that it is material to the issues in the case ; it is a reason for making an order , not for refusing to do so .
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