Example sentences of "this that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Bernard brothers were so struck by this that for some weeks afterwards Henrietta was known to them as ‘ Piss-off darling ’ .
2 It is clear from this that for Rolle prayer was the most important exercise by which the reality of faith is realised , which is why he deals with it first after the section on the necessity for patience in adversity : Prayer is the means by which the transforming dynamic of the love of God is accessed in the innermost marrow ( " inhirliest mergh " ) of our hearts ( 7.118.28 ) and labour becomes light ( 11.123.30 ) .
3 It would be reasonable to expect from this that over a few years , our APR disclosure regulations broadly similar to the US Truth in Lending Law — will raise people 's knowledge of APRs well above the present level , and confirm them in their belief that disclosure of APRs is important .
4 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
5 It was obvious from this that in going into storms we were quite literally playing with fire .
6 We can see from this that in the technical sense most large and many small organisations can be described as bureaucracies .
7 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
8 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
9 Whether we would be correct to conclude from this that in manic-depression mania was produced by a quasi-toxic suppression of the superego I do not know , but if would certainly accord well with Freud 's suggestion that in the manic interludes in depression we witness ‘ a magnificent festival of the ego , which might then once again feel satisfied with itself ’ .
10 It will be apparent from this that in the event of LCH 's liquidation the clearing members would rank not as members but as creditors or debtors .
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