Example sentences of "he may [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " This Meeting having with much regret felt the Inconveniences arising to the Island for the Want of a Jail , wherein Disturbers of the Peace and other Transgressors of the Law might be Confined … are of the opinion that Shawfield should be apply 'd to , and these Grievances Stated , that he may of course procure the Sherriff 's warrant to have a Jail Established … "
2 Unfortunately the conscientious student who reads the official reports will find no mention either of the Hotspur or of the Félicité and may naturally experience doubts as to whether there ever was a Captain Hornblower , but if he once accepts Hornblower 's existence he may at least agree that Hornblower 's action in this case displayed remarkable self-denial as well as the clarity of vision worthy of a hero of fiction .
3 Notice also that there is an alternative and syntactically simpler way of expressing the second version , which is : ( 12 ) Haberup angered his golem We can see exactly the same type of ambiguity in : ( 13 ) Reg ran the engine dry The adverbal adjective version of ( 13 ) corresponding to the question what did Reg do to the engine ? tells us that Reg reduced the engine to a certain unsatisfactory state ( though he may at least have had the sense to stop at that point ) .
4 He may with good reason be regarded as the first of that long line of professional civil servants who did more than any others to make and destroy the medieval Church : they were professional administrators , equipped to forward the interests of government not by main force but by negotiation amidst the intricate issues of law and theology ; men of international standing , retaining the respect of their opponents , and not too hatefully or too personally involved in the cause which they were required to maintain .
5 He may for instance need to intervene at the modification stage of the structure plan , or it could be that he will have to deal with appeals against non-determination of applications made by prospective developers .
6 If it fails , he may as a last resort fling his band of ‘ patriotic ’ assassins into general action .
7 Then , whereas the concertos of Haydn represent a tiny and relatively insignificant fraction of his output , three of Mozart 's five violin concertos rank among the ‘ top ten ’ works in that repertory ; his magnificent Clarinet Concerto has never been surpassed ; his concertos for horn and flute are still among the finest works for their respective instruments ; while he may without exaggeration be said to have ‘ invented ’ the piano concerto as we know it , with his 23 original masterpieces in the genre .
8 He may from time to time change currencies and make gains on currencies .
9 On this basis he may by all means erect a system of imperatives logically interrelated with statements of objective fact , and elaborate it to any degree of complexity he pleases , but to confirm or correct it he has always to return to subjectivity , to his own spontaneity in the concrete situation .
10 ‘ ( 1 ) If any person who has paid tax charged under an assessment alleges that the assessment was excessive by reason of some error or mistake in a return , he may by notice in writing at any time not later than six years after the end of the year of assessment ( or , if the assessment is to corporation tax , the end of the accounting period ) in which the assessment was made , make a claim to the Board for relief .
11 But while Mr Smith campaigned well , he may in hindsight come to be blamed for Labour 's catastrophic defeat .
12 He may in fact really be a common thief .
13 And this will make Pooh 's inference from Eeyore 's sigh to what Eeyore believes safer than his inference from Rabbit 's words to what Rabbit believes : because that inference does depend on Rabbit 's wanting to tell Pooh the truth , whereas , as we 've remarked , he may in fact be lying .
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