Example sentences of "he is not " in BNC.

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1 He is not at all well , very breathless , and by the time we are in the care he is gasping for air .
2 Raconteur and raisonneur , in his art as in his personal life , he is a concealed author who is evident enough in his hotly opinionated fiction : he is not given to expounding his own passionate opinions there , but can be recognised without difficulty in almost every aspect of every one of his novels , including the speech assigned to his often disputatious characters .
3 ‘ Our friend here does not seem to appreciate that the world 's greatest detective is conducting a criminal investigation and that he is not to be thwarted .
4 He is not , I think , quite English ? ’
5 There is also something about him which suggests that he is not unacquainted with evil . ’
6 If he wins a subsequent bout also by disqualification , then he must be withdrawn for his own safety , since it is obvious that , in this tournament at least , he is not protecting himself adequately .
7 ‘ It is as well he is not a Papist , then , or the Pope would take off his frock. , ‘ He what ? ’
8 Experiences , they argued , are identical with brain states ; but when someone is conscious of his experiences he is not conscious of his brain as such : it takes modern science to tell us that consciousness is a state of the brain .
9 He is not to walk out on me before I run out of steam .
10 Nevertheless he is uniquely different because he is not only a hero but also a powerful magician in the tradition of many Slav and Asiatic epics .
11 However , he is not definitely found as a brewer in any records that survive today until 1683 , when he appears in the register of St Dunstan 's , Stepney , as a ‘ brewer of Brick Lane ’ .
12 He is not bitter .
13 Norris may well be right that Derrida deserves such attention , but he is not often likely to receive it in the conditions of actual pedagogy , or in the random public exchanges of higher cultural life , which put a premium on the simplifying and the reductive .
14 Manifestly he is not one of the ignorant .
15 He is not talking about any one of these great writers ( his devotion to Browning was well advertised ) but about , in Eliot 's words , the ‘ pernicious or merely deadening influence ’ that ‘ a great writer can have , at a particular time ’ .
16 But he is not only a fine actor and an even finer dancer he is also uncommonly and unabashedly sexy .
17 When Ian Paisley calls the Pope ‘ the Antichrist ’ , he is not just picking a choice term of abuse from the Bible , but referring back to what was once the mainstream Protestant and Anglican belief that the papacy does play one of the most important parts in sacred history and the Romans are absolutely mistaken about which .
18 Although Lord Rees-Mogg 's confession that he is not a modernist can just about explain his neglect of artists such as Schoenberg , Proust , Kafka , Beckett and Auden , sheer ignorance is the only way in which one can account for the omission of Charles Sherrington , Alan Hodgkin , Lord Adrian and David Hubel , to name but four in neurophysiology ; Rutherford , Bohr , Planck , Heisenberg , Dirac and Gell-Man in physics .
19 He does n't prove by feat of arms , but by words , that he is not any more the dissipated boy that he was ; but that is enough .
20 An energetic and ambitious figure who was recently elected chairman of the local council , Vishwendra Singh has threatened to run independently if he is not selected .
21 But the fact of the matter is he is not .
22 The answer is that , while he is not alone , he has misunderstood the purpose of civil awards of damages .
23 He does not , under section 19 of the 1975 Act , ‘ unless he proves that he is not directly interested in the dispute ’ .
24 He is not alone .
25 He is not seeking re-instatement .
26 He is not a Macbeth who seems particularly hag-ridden , by wife or witches , nor grotesquely ambitious .
27 He is not the first Federal Reserve chairman to visit Moscow , but never can one have been paid as much attention .
28 He is not down to address the conference at all .
29 Tom Arnold himself is appointed , not elected and , although he reports to a committee ‘ representing ’ the voluntary party , he is not accountable to that committee , nor is that committee elected by the constituency associations on whose behalf it is supposed to act ( it does not even report to them ) .
30 He is not persuaded that this would be the effect .
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