Example sentences of "he begin [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And only after he had paid back every penny of his debt on the new barrow and been left with hardly any spare cash to talk of did he begin to realise just how good a costermonger the old fellow must have been .
2 Only when his first movement unleashed the pounding headache bequeathed to him by half a bottle of the college 's specially shipped port did he begin to regret the decision .
3 Only after his ageing parents had died and he was left to manage the dining rooms did he begin to look around for a wife , and Fred smiled bitterly at the memory .
4 As for Clive — did he begin to look at somebody else ? ’ she asked shrewdly .
5 Only in the bosom of the PCF could Nizan breathe freely , could he begin to function effectively .
6 And he begin to fumble with his tobacco pouch .
7 When he begin to sing I felt a warm deep pleasure steal over me , a feeling of sensual bliss which was yet mingled with an aching sadness .
8 But he was made of stern stuff Seizing his hammer he begin to bang away with undiminished enthusiasm and by the time the beasts returned the crush was rebuilt and a stout iron bar pushed across the front to prevent further break-outs
9 The Sweeper had come by , Slorne was upset about something , then Minch … and he beginning to wake to the sense that something was going to happen , something … and then the CRACK !
10 Is he beginning to look haggard or anything ?
11 And I see he beginning to believe , and so I go what work do you think she do ?
12 Only now , he reflected , was he beginning to feel really secure .
13 He began to whimper with fear .
14 This was the closest he would come to that association of the best " minds " sharing certain fundamental ideals which had been a preoccupation of his since the early Twenties ; and indeed it was through such encounters that he began to formulate the ideas which he was to express in The Idea of a Christian Society and Notes Towards The Definition of Culture .
15 He began to clean his teeth , jabbing at his mouth , then dropped the toothbrush on to the floor .
16 He began thumping the table and insisting the paper install experienced management .
17 But Princeton seemed more agreeable than most university towns " and after he had met some old friends , like the Maritains and the Niebuhrs , he began to relax .
18 As the days went by , however , and no further incident was reported , he began to relax .
19 He seems to have enjoyed the patronage of influential people , who probably subsidized the books he began to publish in the Armada year of 1588 .
20 He began to swing his legs again , vigorously .
21 Finding he could cope , he began to swing his back and both rider and horse presently grew more comfortable .
22 After a short time had passed he began to tap his foot on the kerb impatiently .
23 Then he began to tap : ‘ 1 .
24 Nevertheless , as he began to recover from his operation , Mr Honecker clearly had to face the problem of the embassy refugees and the mass emigration , and the decision to let the first batch go was obviously his .
25 But given heavy doses of baking soda he began to recover , and was perfectly normal three days later .
26 Next day the fever had abated and he began to recover .
27 Dotted around the 50-mile long island are Stallone 's five hideaways which he began buying up 10 years ago .
28 His parents were storekeepers , and nothing in his education pointed to a career in the arts , except perhaps that when , as a young man , he began buying locally manufactured handicrafts , for subsequent resale , he was introduced to the creative urge latent in the people who produced the goods .
29 In 1717 he began buying land in Kent and the city of London , which eventually placed the family among the largest landowners in the county ; it was said to be possible to walk for a day in north-west Kent without leaving Page property .
30 At about the same time he began buying copyrights : the first book to bear his imprint was an edition of Horace 's Lyrics , published in 1653 ; the first copyright he registered with the Stationers ' Company was a translation by Sir Kenelm Digby [ q.v. ] of Albert the Great 's Treatise Adhering to God , entered 19 September 1653 .
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