Example sentences of "he have of " in BNC.

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1 Even his way of throwing his money about , what he has of it , is immediately distinguishable from Svidrigailov 's , while with both of them money is the very image of merely imputed and therefore reversible value in a loose-end world : ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like . ’
2 Luck is a rare commodity but the harder a manager works the more he has of it .
3 ‘ It 's the best thing I 've done , ’ he says of 010 , as he has of other books .
4 What impresses me in Messner is the combination he has of immense boldness and analytical power .
5 He has driven himself a long way in a short time ( abandoning , for example , the naïve ) ; he will drive on , and we shall have to see how he uses this hardness , emphasis , energy and comprehensiveness , how much more power he has of development . ’
6 The only means he has of doing that is by accepting new clause S. He will have to come up with very convincing arguments to persuade any Hon. Member that he can not accept it , but it is framed in the most uncontentious way anyone could imagine .
7 Marvell is so much taken with the love he has of nature he even proposes to cut out the names of the trees in their own bark , as opposed to the names of lovers .
8 The petition can be signed by the parliamentary agent himself , and this is of value because last-minute instructions are frequently received , and I have known cases where the client has not even seen the petition until after it was deposited , although he has of course cleared the content by telephone .
9 He just about owns poor Daniele ever since that business with the drugs , not to mention those photographs he has of Silvio … ’
10 He must have had as fine a view of the burgeoning industry of Glasgow , as he had of the stars when he peered up at the heavens from the University Observatory at Dowanhill .
11 [ Philip Leapor ] informs me she was always fond of reading every thing that came in her way , as soon as she was capable of it ; and that when she and learnt to write tolerably , which , as he remembers , was at about ten or eleven Years old , She would often be scribbling , and sometimes in Rhyme ; which her Mother was at first pleas 'd with : But finding this Humour increase upon her as she grew up , when she thought her capable of more profitable Employment , she endeavour 'd to break her of it ; and that he likewise , having no Taste for Poetry , and not imagining it could ever be any Advantage to her , join 'd in the same Design : But finding it impossible to alter her natural Inclination , he had of late desisted , and left her more at Liberty
12 When I felt able , I returned to the house where Lem , the embalmer 's brother , gave me all the particulars he had of the accident and suggested the police department would have any further details .
13 It was the first time they had met although he had known of her existence as he had of all the handful of people who lived , as the Lydsett villagers said , ‘ t' other side of the gate ’ .
14 For all their mutual sympathy , for all the sense he had of their being irrevocably bound together , this was the one question he knew he would never ask .
15 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
16 General Robert Scott is still alive and has sent Dick a hand written description of his first aircraft on the back of a photograph he had of himself with his P-40 .
17 Just as his repeated and heartfelt defences of monogamy are all part of the complex and muddled or profound idea he had of the division of responsibility and territory between different degrees of love , different qualities of sexual encounter .
18 He had loaned five thousand pounds to Phillip Wreck , one of the most notorious villains in Paddington , and in Joe 's mind Michael had more chance of getting the Pope 's inside leg measurement than he had of getting that money back .
19 But whatever chances he had of finding them in London , he had none in Dublin .
20 On the front of it was the inscription : To Dad , Love Mandy — xxxx It was all he had of her now .
21 That sense he had of fire beneath the ice .
22 He had of course his grasp of military and diplomatic practice to help him ; and he was firmly convinced that the Roman constitution was open to analysis in Greek terms .
23 I should think that wiped out any chance he had of people remembering him .
24 I remembered the dated way he had of addressing people — though he had been sacked for more serious matters .
25 It was very odd , this way he had of dragging all her senses into screaming vitality .
26 Will the right hon. Gentleman remind the House how much warning time he had of the conflict in the Gulf , how much warning he expects to have from the IRA before any outrage and how much warning he expects of the consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the activities of extremists like Mr. Le Pen in France ?
27 My hon. Friend referred to the opportunity that he had of presenting the result of the vote on the 1986 Bill .
28 The view he had of her through his spyhole was distorted .
29 Codron told me that one of the most potent memories he had of Pieces of Eight was the ‘ violent love-hate relationship ’ Ken had with his co-star Fenella Fielding .
30 I only corrected the false impression he had of — "
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