Example sentences of "be keep [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll be keeping awake on coffee and packets of biscuits , ’ said Labour 's man in Houghton and Washington .
2 ‘ I did n't know I was supposed to be keeping office-boy hours . ’
3 Ministry of Agriculture and RSPCA officials will be keeping regular checks on the animals welfare .
4 Of course , they must be kept flat and if any pressed material is left lying around uncovered it will begin to curl up .
5 Their dossiers should be kept complete , as complete as those of my friends to whom copies of the present missive have been sent .
6 Equally important is the distinction Marx repeatedly draws between the occurrence of small-scale ‘ domestic ’ slavery and whole societies based on the exploitation of slaves , such as was the case for Greece and Rome , and the insistence that these two cases should be kept separate .
7 Ordering and payments should be identified and stocks of materials must be kept separate .
8 Once youth was seen to figure in that problem , it became illogical to suppose that it could be kept separate from the collectivist response .
9 Its ability to trap dust , the ease with which stale and fresh foam can be kept separate without mutual diffusion , and the barriers it offers to the spread of flame or explosion , are all points in its favour .
10 The police say that such unsubstantiated information — know as criminal intelligence — will be kept separate from criminal records and other hard information .
11 For the time being , the dogs were still to be kept separate at night , when left at home alone , or unsupervised .
12 They also called for pension assets to be kept separate from company funds in the wake of the Daily Mirror scandal when Maxwell stole Pounds 400 million from his pensioners .
13 This taboo belongs to the same category , fayawan , as incest and other rules against mixing things which should be kept separate .
14 In this sense collective bargaining is not only confined to formalised , written agreements between trade unions and employers ' bodies , it can also include informal , collective dealings and negotiations at local level , both on wage and non-wage issues , between managements and works councils or similar bodies in countries like Austria and West Germany , even though in the latter country collective bargaining and the co-determination mechanisms are supposed to be kept separate .
15 These cards should be kept separate from the player 's other cards .
16 Views on the social setup of the ‘ sport ’ must be kept separate from the necessity of managing the deer for their own interest .
17 Such conduct is now conversion by statute but this is merely for the draftsman 's terminological convenience and has no effect on the concept of conversion at common law : for this reason , it must be kept separate in our analysis .
18 Further information was contained on and used by the payroll system which was not contained on or used by the PMIS and vice versa It was therefore decided that the updating procedures for the Payroll Master File and the PMIS should be kept separate at this stage .
19 Inclusion of the word " federal " , which the UK government insisted had connotations in English , if not in other EC languages , of a " superstate " was described by the Independent of June 18 as " effectively the price being demanded of Britain , incidentally also of France , for insisting between them that the two main new areas for common action — foreign and security policies and judicial affairs — should be kept separate from the traditional EC constitutional structure as laid down in the Treaty of Rome [ see pp. 15951-59 ] " .
20 Clients ' funds should be kept separate from the firm 's own moneys and be held in bank or building society accounts clearly designated as belonging to the client .
21 They are juxtaposed , but must be kept separate : the effect is closer to bifocal vision than a dual voice .
22 He knows it 's got to be kept separate from the other .
23 A variety of EC directives have meant that the listing requirements for the Third market are now very similar to those of the USM and there was no clear rationale for them to be kept separate .
24 Golden elderberry must be kept moist
25 The probe does not need to be kept moist making it suitable for all types of field work and the fact that there is no glass present makes it ideal for the food and drink pharmaceutical industries .
26 They do best in a rich , limy potting mixture which should be kept moist while they are growing .
27 They can not breed without water , and their thin skins must be kept moist or they will dehydrate and die .
28 The soil should be kept moist , but never saturated , by sprinkling it gently with water from time to time .
29 The housing should be kept moist by pouring a little water into the wells from time to time .
30 Only with permanent ground cover can the soil be kept intact .
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