Example sentences of "with [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 A rainbow is formed from the interaction of pure white sunlight with molecules of moisture in the atmosphere acting as prisms that break up the light into the respective colours perceived through our senses .
2 However , an alternative approach might argue that , if learning does involve making structural changes at synapses , and the synapses are built of proteins and packed with molecules of neurotransmitter , then learning must itself involve the synthesis of new proteins and transmitters .
3 The Committee itself concluded ‘ that the overall technical standard of the operation has been high , both in the sense that the signal itself has been generated with great skill and proficiency and that the practical and logistical problems associated with presence of televising personnel and equipment have been kept to a minimum ’ .
4 Warburgs , which acted for BAT , was ranked first in the table , with £23.6bn of deals done in the period .
5 If you are inclined to take Frownies seriously , and wish to be well ahead of the game , you need look no farther than Clare Maxwell-Hudson 's office in north London , where the notion that anti-frown plasters are a new idea from the USA met with shrieks of incredulity .
6 Their passage startled birds and invisible animals out of their path with shrieks of warning to others of their kind .
7 At G.Q.G. the propagandists — still deflated from their bludgeoning over Douaumont — seized on the German blunder and ensuing attempts at justification with shrieks of joy .
8 Although chiefly associated in the public mind with acts of individual and collective violence , the CNT was a complex phenomenon .
9 In central Dorset , of the nearly fifty parishes with Acts of Enclosure , nine were for open-field arable alone , thirty include huge areas of downland and ten are solely concerned with downland .
10 The morning was growing , lengthening into a day , a long day to be filled with acts of kindness .
11 Because women know men to be vulnerable and fragile , they are often tempted to excuse them as ‘ just little boys ’ who need to over-compensate for their sense of inadequacy or ‘ womb-envy ’ with acts of spiteful misogyny .
12 Around 40 people convicted of political crimes in connection with acts of defiance during the campaign to impose Slavic names on ethnic Turks were released from prison in accordance with an amnesty bill passed by the National Assembly on Jan. 15 .
13 Assertion of the principle served to do away with the monarch 's previously claimed powers to suspend or dispense with acts of Parliament and it served to deny judges the power to strike down measures .
14 ( Reproduced from The best of Eagle annual 1951–59 ; used with permission of Fleetway 1991 . )
15 Operation Plum Pudding ( reproduced from The best of Eagle annual 1951–59 ; used with permission of Fleetway 1991 ) .
16 ‘ The Rainbow Serpent ’ painting by Mike Lyons ( with permission of the artist ) , graphically illustrates the Rainbow Serpent as the Creative , energizing force of the Supreme Universal Spirit or ‘ Father ’ , named Biame or Byamee in the mythology of the Australian Aborigines .
17 Figure 4.5 Porter 's factors for analysing industrial structure ( factors are illustrative ; for a full list see Porter , 1985 , figure 1.2 ) Adapted with permission of The Free Press , a division of Macmillan , Inc. from Competitive Advantage : Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by M. E. Porter , copyright © 1985 by M. E. Porter .
18 Adapted with permission of The Free Press , a Division of Macmillan , Inc. from Corporate Strategic Analysis by M. C. Bogue and E. S. Buffa .
19 Adapted with permission of the Free Press , a division on Macmillan , Inc. , from Creating Shareholder Value : The New Standard for Business Performance by A. Rappaport .
20 So , with considerable encouragement from overseas donors , the institutes , centres and units described earlier produced in the late 'sixties and early 'seventies a very impressive crop of programmes and projects , sometimes linked with programmes of syllabus renewal , sometimes more or less independent of them .
21 A pupil observation checklist was prepared on which originally , seating plans were included but on advice , largely concerned with difficulty of interpretation , this was removed .
22 There is no shortage of guide books in the modern world , nor of travel books which regale readers with accounts of what travellers have seen .
23 Lionello Venturi considered lives of artists made up a basic category of art criticism , buttressing his opinion with accounts of writings by Vasari and others .
24 The racecourse was naturally buzzing with accounts of the row at Tremayne 's dinner , most of the stories inflamed and inaccurate because of the embroidery by the press .
25 YOUR correspondent Mrs Kalinowsky ( April 5 ) is perhaps thinking of Gillie Potter , who used to regale us with accounts of the goings-on at Hogsnorton .
26 However , although the Dictionary is principally filled with accounts of genera and their cultivated species , from Abies alba of Europe to Zygophyllum fulvum of South Africa , there is also comprehensive practical advice on cultivation .
27 For this purpose the type of interview was particularly suitable , with accounts of present-day life coming towards the end of a now intimate interview .
28 Within the deliberately narrow focus of this book the treatment is detailed and full , with accounts of the catalytic implication of modifying pore size .
29 Rumours of such ‘ snuff ’ movies had been carefully fostered in the New York Press with accounts of private screenings at Mafia parties , and when it was claimed that one had been acquired for public exhibition , it was advertised with the slogan : ‘ Blood Money , the film that could only be made in South America … where Life is CHEAP ! ’
30 Not long ago a performer in Paris won some notoriety for employing her vagina to swallow , and then powerfully eject , table tennis balls and the history of the seamier side of nightlife around the world is littered with accounts of vaginas that have played harmonicas or smoked cigarettes .
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