Example sentences of "was [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 This victory was to delight the masses just as it brought little pleasure to the newly energized forces of the political left , but , just as significantly , it was now also an occasional delight to a growing audience drawn from amongst critics , intellectuals , and the more respectable classes generally .
2 ‘ Last time I was stopped the car had a bell .
3 In 1540 he transformed the office of Wards , formed in 1503 , into the Court of Wards , to which was joined the office of Liveries in 1542 .
4 The French Navy passed the problem to the DGSE who at first suggested that the simplest course of action was to tow the Rainbow Warrior out to the test area .
5 Almost Newman 's first act at the BBC was to decimate the existing Script Department under Donald Wilson .
6 He often said that he never really wanted to be a dancer , and his only purpose was to acquire the knowledge of dancing necessary to become a choreographer .
7 Our custodians used to be dressed in the same uniform as prison warders and their task was maintaining the monument and its grounds .
8 Philip of Swabia , meanwhile , was maintaining the illegality of the meeting on the grounds that there was a legitimate heir , that oaths had been taken to that heir by all the princes and that , furthermore , few of them had been present at Andernach .
9 Not only was maintaining the British war effort imposing an ever-increasing burden , but subsidies to allies seriously inflated that burden .
10 At the next table , the black African diplomat was impressing the girl he was with .
11 It was as Cornelius waited humbly and receptively in prayer , that God 's supreme gift , the Holy Spirit , was poured out upon him before ever Peter who was preaching the good news to him , reached the climax of his sermon !
12 So she was seeing the Colombians as the enemy .
13 The writer 's own experience was seeing the Progress car in the first post-war Illuminations of 1949 : sheer magic as it swept by , playing music while its myriad bulbs radiated heat and light .
14 I have added a 40W actinic and a reflector as I did not think I was seeing the true colours of my fish .
15 For Lee everything was being spotlit and she was seeing the people around her as if for the first time .
16 The next thing I remember was seeing the face of a policeman above his yellow emergency jacket , who was reassuring me : I was all right .
17 Iggy Pop and the lippily ascendant Wonder Stuff aside , the only high point was seeing the pathetic Meat Loaf take umbrage at the traditional hail of plastic bottles .
18 He looked out into the roadway without seeing the rain beating mercilessly against the cobbled surface or the leaves of the trees dripping constantly as they shivered in the breeze , he was seeing the four walls of his cell and remembering his feeling of helplessness as the door slammed shut behind him .
19 The thing that really motivated me was seeing the 1968 Olympics ; I saw Thommie Smith and thought , ‘ God , that 's it ! ’
20 Behind her diamond eyes , Jezrael was seeing the plants she 'd maimed in the name of cultures .
21 At that moment , hundreds of miles away in Yorkshire , Colin was seeing the secret garden for the first time , and saying , ‘ I 'm going to live for ever and ever and ever ! ’
22 Helen wondered if she was seeing the first moment of a gathering hysteria .
23 It was seeing the animals .
24 As he responded , Rostov remembered the survey briefing and wondered if he was seeing the first evidence of genetic mutation .
25 Turakina behaved as if she was seeing the offworlder for the first time .
26 By now my man was seeing the ball like a melon .
27 She said , as if she was seeing the possibility of doubt for the very first time , ‘ You arc the man from the pest control ? ’
28 She felt a wire wool of beard on her chin , and realised she was seeing the world two-dimensionally .
29 He was seeing the Rorim as it should be , without the threat of ruin hanging over it — though tomorrow these same people would be stinting themselves to eke out their supplies through the winter .
30 He was seeing the evidence left by America 's policy of intervention , and , having just been told of Churchill 's agreement to Roosevelt 's demand for bases rights in Trinidad , found himself posing the question ; ‘ if Haiti 's isolation , poverty and tyranny after independence represented one lesson to West Indian colonials ’ , did it also pose another , … ‘ that West Indian colonials were destined to graduate from European colonialism to American ? ’
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