Example sentences of "is give as " in BNC.

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1 Among the pastoralists of East Africa women produce most of the foodstuffs through agriculture , but only cattle , cared for by men , are defined as the really important and noble product , and in fact women 's dominant productive contribution is given as an excuse for their social devaluation as low creatures unconcerned with the aesthetic and political value of pastoralism .
2 The 13th month rule by which an extra month 's pay is given as a bonus on the last working day before Christmas .
3 Throughout the carve gybe ( a high speed , fairly advanced manoeuvre ) is given as an example .
4 Sometimes the distortion is given as a decibel figure : if the distortion voltage is one thousandth of the fundamental voltage the distortion is -60dB , i.e. 60dB down on the fundamental .
5 Benjamin died there in Gower Street on 10 October 1879 , death from cancer and exhaustion being certified as the cause by J. M. Briggs , M.R.C.S. Consistently inconsistent to the end , he is given as a ‘ Silversmith ’ on the will , but as a ‘ Writing Clerk ’ on the death certificate ; just for good measure we are also given a final address for him to add to our collection : 355 Edgware Road .
6 One was a siltstone whose provenance is given as south-west England , and the other a tuff , of Wales or Cumbria .
7 Tactical voting is given as one explanation .
8 Chymotrypsin activity is given as per cent of activity in non-plant controls .
9 The team 's ‘ war-cry ’ is given as : ‘ We have come to learn , sah ! ’
10 The top copy is given as a receipt to the guest , the second copy remaining in the receipt book , and the third copy is attached to the parcel or valuable concerned .
11 The doctrine of consideration provides that a promise will bind the promisor only if it is given as the price for another 's promise or as the price for an action which involves a detriment to the promisee .
12 What is given as a satisfying offering from the dominant person is roughly related to needs .
13 A simplified version of the " group 2 operate instruction " on the DEC PDP-8 computer is given as a boolean expression on page 103 .
14 The test items themselves may indeed have been specified in terms of their subject matter but a norm-referenced test result is given as a measure of performance rather than a description of what examinees know .
15 If we are seeking an explanation of the grounds of dependent conditionals , and one of these is given as a lawlike statement , we do indeed require an explanation of the nature of such a statement .
16 This shadowy figure organised the extermination of thousands labelled as Communists : 150 000 is given as ‘ a conservative figure ’ .
17 The potential function for this case is given as
18 And the Holy Spirit is given as a firstfruit of the harvest God has in store for us ( Rom. 8:23 ) ;
19 Therefore the presence of ‘ severe and enduring mental illness ’ is given as the sole criterion for inclusion .
20 In Turkish sources , however , Cemaleddin 's grandfather 's name is given as Mehmed , not Isa ; he certainly was called Cemaleddin , not Bedreddin , one of his most famous works being called and he was of the ( mezheb ) , not the Hanafi .
21 If profits are maximized with respect to q 1 , the first-order condition is given as : where , is the conjectural variations parameter , i.e. the firm 's expectation of how market price P 1 will vary with changes in its output q 1 .
22 the effect of the import quota on is given as : which is derived from ( 17 ) , where is the Cournot -equivalent conjecture for the domestic firms .
23 When 0 is given as the number of parses , this indicates that the parser exited cleanly with no parses being found , a dash ( - ) indicates that the system crashed before a parse was obtained .
24 The prime reason for non-acceptance is given as the cost of publishing , which in 1990 was approximately $1000 per page .
25 [ For other Janata Dal expulsions in January 1992 see p. 38726 , where the party 's strength in the Lok Sabha is given as 58 after expulsions ; the listing of Lok Sabha members as of late February as given above , however , from The Hindu of Feb. 29 , gives the total as 58 including those expelled . ]
26 As with all short-term interest rate contracts , the ST3 contract is quoted on an index basis ; i.e. , the futures price is given as ( 100.00 - interest rate ( % ) ) .
27 The ranking is given as Table 8 .
28 The prime reason for non-acceptance is given as the cost of publishing , which in 1990 was approximately $1000 per page .
29 For descriptive purposes the CCPR is given as the slope ( SEM ) of each regression line ; the R-sq% is also given , which represents the extent to which each data set is described by a straight line .
30 The tuning delay is given as a number of seconds where a value of 0 provides no delay and any value greater than 60 seconds is defaulted to 60 .
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