Example sentences of "is it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So how far is it per second ?
2 How far is it per second ?
3 ‘ And the other would go red the light from behind me — er , or is it below me ? ’
4 Is it minus twelve ?
5 Minus K is it minus K X ?
6 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
7 Just what is it about Barbados that produces so many wonderful cricketers ?
8 What is it about Peter Cook or John Hegley that predisposes me to smile even before they open their mouths ?
9 What is it about any situation that stops you succeeding ?
10 Appraisal is therefore not about identifying individuals for financial reward or promotion nor is it about penalising ‘ poor ’ performance — they are separate management processes .
11 What is it about PolaGraph that sets it apart from all the other black and white films ?
12 The question really means : What is it about the idea of a god that gives it its stability and penetrance in the cultural environment ?
13 But this is not about justice , nor is it about International law .
14 What is it about local economic policies that make them ‘ local ’ ?
15 What is it about the British that makes them confuse service with servility
16 Neither is it about performing actions slowly .
17 And what is it about the cat that is the specific trigger for the irrational panics ?
18 ‘ What is it about you , Sarah ? ’ he demanded .
19 Is it about pits or jobs or housing or social care ?
20 What is it about them that makes them stand out from the rest ?
21 WHAT IS it about Frank Oz that leads him constantly to make so-so films with fabulous trailers ?
22 What is it about these lads that excites teenagers ?
23 What is it about your image in them that you like ?
24 What is it about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that places him on an artistic par with Shakespeare or Rembrandt , a giant of his art ?
25 If it is indeed the loosening of control over associative thought — Woolf 's ‘ Wings in the Head ’ — that is the basic mechanism responsible for autism then the question arises : what is it about the mind that modulates this process , allowing it some free rein , though being capable on occasions of going badly awry , leading to psychosis ?
26 What is it about them that dissatisfies you ?
27 What is it about them that speaks to you , that calls forth such a strong response that at the end you feel satisfied , nourished , as though something new had taken place ?
28 But what is it about these forms of thought that is ‘ idealist ’ ?
29 What is it about antibiotics , I demanded , that you consider a drawback ?
30 What is it about Hendrix that appeals to the artistic eye , though ?
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