Example sentences of "for [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
2 In the mid-80s two new focal points emerged : curriculum development ( mainly for professional media education ) and the Intercultural Panel ( investigating group communication and community activism ) .
3 For example , in at least one rural area , we have heard of a tendency for professional people to send their children to the nearby town or another village school if they feel their own village school is unsatisfactory . ’
4 It is helpful to realize that tinnitus is now widely recognized ; courses are run for professional people who meet tinnitus sufferers ; there is much research which is continuing .
6 Executive School : Very intensive courses for professional people with tuition in small groups or one-to-one .
7 The recommended salary scale for bureaux managers is pegged to local authority rates for professional staff .
8 The patient should be told of the mode of address used in that particular hospital for professional staff .
9 Approximately half the courses described by the data sheets were for professional staff , one-quarter for non-professionals and one-quarter for both or either ( both or either typically meant new professionals and/or senior assistants or all staff with supervisory responsibilities ) .
10 For professional staff , qualification courses form a minority of the programmes undertaken , though suggested changes in routes to Fellowship currently being debated , may alter the balance of qualification-related/non-qualification training .
11 Sometimes a specific progression was noted — first , attendance at more external courses , then development of more internal programmes , with a distinction being made between more external courses wanted for professional staff , more internal training wanted for non-professional staff :
12 ‘ Training of non-professionals , including a more structured programme : better opportunities for outside courses for professional staff ’ …
13 For professional staff , external or off-the-job courses were most likely to be mentioned , generally either management or highly specialized and usually within an overall developmental context .
14 The Animal Care Trust — ACT — supports the College by raising urgently needed funds to ensure high standards of facilities are maintained , to extend , modernise and equip the RVC 's three hospitals and also to provide endowment for professional staff .
15 Under such a concept the ‘ core ’ is the central base for professional staff who are engaged in the rehabilitation and personal development of individuals living in the homes ; it may also serve as a training base for staff , a research base for the evaluation and monitoring of the service and a place where the residential care staff meet to exchange ideas .
16 ‘ At one hospital site , Ekiriyankumbra , the transformation was incredible , ’ says Dr Bruce Robins , BP Solar Australia 's manager for professional sales .
17 This is occurring at the same time as the Commission is using the single market as an excuse to augment its power for political means .
18 Was it just so that they could , for political means again to get peasant support ?
19 Are there any other suggestions for possible works while we 're on the arrangements and the programme ?
20 The LWS-25 is a 25Mhz , 15.8 MIPS offering priced at £7,500 ; the LWS-40 , priced at £7,000 and rated at 28.5 MIPS , is for advanced 2D and 3D graphics ; and the LWS-40GX , at £10,000 , features a GX graphics accelerator .
21 And the course that David went on before he was asked to coach on it was for advanced people anyway .
22 If you insist on doing so , wear tough full length trousers and shirt to minimise gravel rash , and make sure your chosen insurance allows treatment for low cc scooter hire injuries — ours does .
23 Insufficient funding and poor management is blamed for low staff morale , encouraging many of those employed in the park service to co-operate with the poachers .
24 HOST is looking for friendly people who would like to invite a lonely overseas student studying in Britain to spend Christmas , Easter or a weekend in their homes and experience British home life .
25 In both cases the opportunities for specific data storage use , as well as full length programmes , have been emphasized by the promoters .
26 Therefore the new posts are effectively earmarked for specific people .
27 For full-time staff , unsocial hours payments represents between 9.2 and 12.7% of total earnings . ’
28 Initial work in the GIS field on user interfaces has concentrated on the screen designs appropriate for spatial data handling .
29 Chapter 2 contains a discussion of alternative data structures for spatial data .
30 He had been against the choice of London as the location for European Headquarters when he had been Treasurer .
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