Example sentences of "was just as " in BNC.

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1 The interior was just as I expected from the books I had seen at school .
2 This was just as the amateurs of the FA thought it should be .
3 It was just as Joe had been telling her all her life .
4 Everything was just as it should be .
5 It was just as I had arranged , word for word .
6 In the 1962 election he stood against McAteer , making it clear that he was just as committed a nationalist but criticising the MP for the narrowness of his appeal and calling on him to send his election literature to all voters , not just to Catholics .
7 It was just as Elizabeth had expected .
8 Her faithful shadow , a Yorkshire terrier called Heathcliffe , was just as confused ; and the time that we had arranged to meet for lunch was fast approaching .
9 I was just as engrossed in the sport 's literature .
10 The telephone was just as it should be , with no bugging device to turn his private conversations into public knowledge .
11 She was glad when Westerfield church hove into view and sensed that he was just as relieved .
12 Otherwise everything was just as he remembered , even the faded yellow curtains decorated with turquoise flowers and green leaves : a relic of the 1960s .
13 That was as far as modernisation had gone : the other end of the scullery was just as it had always been , with the old deep sink for laundry , served by a single , presumably cold tap , and in the corner beyond it the copper for ‘ the boil ’ .
14 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
15 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
16 He was just as at home behind the wheel of a Sports Car as he was in a Grand Prix car , and his passion for all branches of the sport possible hindered his quest for the world title .
17 It was just as the two women were leaving that the pandemonium started .
18 Ironically , it was just as such images of contentment began to vanish that the taste for the picturesque caused the upper classes to fall in love with the idea of the cottage .
19 Creamstick 's house was just as I 'd pictured :
20 He ordered more beer : but the maid was just as absorbed in her task and besides , though Hope always boasted to himself that no woman was unattractive to a man who knew how to look , he had to admit that this particular maid of the Swan was not immediately seductive : she was excessively talk , awkwardly balanced , lank and thin-haired and a wart took away most of the attraction from her nose .
21 The house was just as I 'd left it — just as you 'd left it .
22 He could see the end coming , and it was just as she 'd said ; the friends he 'd made and lost , and the women that he wished he 'd known better .
23 Even my mother had closed her eyes and ceased to speak of bridal nerves , and my groom , who meant as little to me as his mother 's dog , was just as he had always been .
24 It was just as I was sitting down in the living room with my cup of coffee that I realised I 'd left my bag on the train .
25 But it was just as she 'd expected .
26 You remember — it was just as the Newleys were leaving . ’
27 The boat was just as it should have been on the night of the murder and had not been .
28 So here Belinda was , with that naked feeling she always got when she looked at her wet hair and towel-draped neck under the bright lights of a salon , and she very much hoped that Faye was right about the end result looking ‘ fabulous ’ , because she was determined to show everyone at drinks this evening that she was just as soignée , just as at ease in a smart social gathering as they were .
29 The breakfast choice was just as Rune had described the previous evening , she discovered , running jaundiced eyes over the available spread before deciding to settle for orange juice , yoghurt and black coffee .
30 But the alternative of returning to the hall , and traversing its crowded sixty-foot length to gain the opposite staircase leading to the upper storey , where she shared a tiny chamber with Adele and two of Matilda 's ladies , was just as unappealing .
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