Example sentences of "is [conj] does " in BNC.

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1 2 Is it self-evident what the subject is or does ?
2 ‘ I do n't really know what an actuary is or does ’ is a fairly typical reaction by many young people , if asked whether they have considered the actuarial profession as a future career .
3 Secondly , the tension surrounding the question of " form " — the sense that what design is or does is embodied in form ie the material form of objects , yet also the sense that form , once considered as important is yet not enough , that design is " more than " a matter of merely forming things .
4 This crablike sidling away from all he is and does catches the tune of the achieved , fully formed Stavrogin ; unlike Svidrigailov , who incidentally makes great play with the fact that he 's bored , he would — could — never call himself a debauchee .
5 Let him assume that she knows how annoying it is and does it to annoy — if you know your job he will not notice the immense improbability of the assumption .
6 In the second , we thank God for all that He is and does , especially for his revelation in Jesus Christ .
7 But we must now leave these tangential matters and return to the task of establishing what social anthropology is and does .
8 Well Marlowe does n't know who Mister Hardcastle is and does n't know who Miss Hardcastle is
9 Malcolm Colley admits that most people would be pushed to say precisely what the NRA is and does .
10 Indeed , it is because it ca n't be a literary point for Joyce or for anyone from Ireland who 's business is words , because language forever figures urgent and personal issues of belonging , of debt , of loss , of freedom and of dependence , because it is and does all this .
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