Example sentences of "to [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 So if we adopt presuppositions which are too small to handle the range of reality we are facing , their rationality and coherence will be severely limited and any conceptions they give rise to may be equally confined and distorted .
2 The range of frequencies that we can respond to may be partly determined by our size .
3 In " A Description of the Western Isles , " Volume 2 , 1819 , he says " places referred to may be specific , without the necessity of having much recourse to the often dissonant Celtic and Scandinavian names by which they are marked .
4 In " A Description of the Western Isles , " Volume 2 , 1819 , he says " places referred to may be specific , without the necessity of having much recourse to the often dissonant Celtic and Scandinavian names by which they are marked .
5 Verbs , nouns and adjectives that may take an infinitive with to may be followed by to without an infinitive to refer to a preceding verb or verbal group : Do n't go unless you want to ( Zandvoort 1957 ) .
6 ( 1985 : 687 ) suggest something quite similar to Jespersen — " the infinitive marker to may be viewed as related to the spatial preposition to through metaphorical connection " — and illustrate this by the series : How far this metaphorical connection extends is not specified , but it is significant that both Quirk et al.
7 Given the fact that the temporal relation between means and end is clearly one of before to after , and the fact that when used with an infinitive how denotes the means and the infinitive the end , our hypothesis leads us to predict that to should be found after how .
8 These are also to be reported to colleagues under the provisional code of conduct , and any relationship which is not agreed to should be open to a sexual harassment complaint .
9 The music she listens to must be composed and played by women , the books she reads must have a woman author .
10 So I mean it goes down to must be something like equipment failure which is something that nobody can really allow for .
11 Whereas make focusses on the mere producing of an effect , get evokes something which precedes the effect — prolonged efforts in ( 170b ) , persuasion winning out over unwillingness in ( 171b ) — and so to must be used before the infinitive to represent the latter 's event as a result coming after what led up to it .
12 The receipt of the benefit referred to must be out of the assets which are available for the purpose by virtue or in consequence of the transfer or of any associated operations .
13 And I think this inward investment that Professor Lock is referring to and the scale of investment that he is referring to must be considered as additional and and would draw in additional jobs .
14 This was particularly so in late-nineteenth-century Europe among workers — levels of employment , income , education , trade union organization , social insurance , political rights and so on were very different , and what country a worker belonged to could be of vital importance .
15 Through her experiments it became evident that , despite the extensive elaboration of wine descriptors and the beliefs of the participants , neither lay persons nor experts were actually communicating knowledge about wines to their fellows in conversation , such that the wine referred to could be recognized from linguistic description alone ( Lehrer 1983 ) .
16 No I do n't think it 'd be , do n't think it meant that , I thought we went , to could be two , we 're going to have another one .
17 The need did not arise because the man referred to would be here himself before long .
18 Unfortunately for all rhinoceros species , their horns ( made of thousands of tiny hair strands within , covered by a keratin layer ) are dangerous , not only to would be predators , but now to the rhino themselves .
19 There is a pressing case for the nuclear nations to deny fissile materials to would be customers .
20 what it would be interesting to would be to using the
21 And the decision she would almost certainly come to would be a hard one to take .
22 so you the person you 'd be talking to would be erm trying to put you off to stop you getting something a a direct replacement
23 Erm y y you know you , you could do a diagram and presumably the person to speak to would be Billy or maybe Peter cos I think Peter did the bulk of the work .
24 Once on the strip , it is doubtful that the sort of support equipment it is used to will be found there .
25 Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract to provide a multiprotocol network to will be used to connect European academic , industrial and governmental research institutions .
26 What this comes to will be clearer by the end of the book , but we need to mention both a normative element and a personal one , if Y is to be located neither above nor below the dividing line .
27 The sales person who puts pressure on customers to buy when they do n't want to will be out of business tomorrow .
28 This has the advantage that the cases referred to will be brought within the single concept of dishonest appropriation .
29 Quite a number of the people you speak to will be getting on in years and have lost their sharpness of hearing .
30 Once again , the most important person to talk to will be the local Building Control Officer .
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