Example sentences of "it [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've tried it sometimes , never long enough to know whether I did it successfully or not , but I found there is absolutely no way of telling because even if it changes in a way one can predict , what one can predict is the way oneself changes or the world changes at the same time .
2 What struck me , however , was how distant the preoccupations of the audience were from those which could capture a majority in modern Britain , or could govern it successfully if that majority were ever won .
3 To establish whether or not a claim submitted by a contractor is valid , and to dispute it successfully if it is not , the client must ensure that accurate records are kept on his of her behalf .
4 Presumably one reason why people doing something is they did n't do it enough the first time , or they did n't do it properly , or they did n't do it successfully and therefore they 've got ta keep doing it .
5 The IPG states clearly that it is designed for advice workers , but many instances have proved that clients have used it successfully when left to browse by hard-pressed advisers — an indication of its clarity of exposition and potential as a tool for those members of the public who feel they can cope without personal assistance and someone to listen .
6 Rolle expresses it metaphorically as speech becomes song .
7 Dreaming Lee took to this camera immediately and held it delicately and lifted the front-flap and looked through it in order to focus on something and take a picture of it .
8 The worry is that the jury can not be made to abide by directions of this kind , and so it is alleged that , if no evidential weight attaches to the refusal to answer , it would be better to exclude it altogether than to run the risk .
9 That would have reduced exposure ; but it is so small a step from cutting the level to removing it altogether that perhaps that is now a wiser move given the shift in public opinion .
10 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
11 One Tory back-bencher dismissed the VAT proposal as ‘ mental ’ while others predicted that the Government would eventually be forced to scrap it altogether or at least reduce the planned amount .
12 Film wrapping is now available without plasticisers , with the label ‘ non PVC ’ or ‘ contains no plasticisers ’ but , because of the disposal problem such packaging presents , it is better to avoid it altogether if possible .
13 Another example of law not being especially important is that businesses avoid it altogether when commercial disputes arise .
14 For active hunting , a heavy shell must be something of a handicap and some carnivorous molluscs have taken to a faster if riskier life by doing without it altogether and reverting to the life-style of their flatworm-like ancestors .
15 But even then , they can not avoid it altogether and after a while , their digestions can no longer tolerate it .
16 And then they used to go with their slate and and they knew it altogether and then the counter turns and turns like that .
17 This could either involve removing it altogether and blocking up the space with bricks and mortar , or simply locking it and putting furniture against it on both sides .
18 i i i in a sense it is a , it is a shift to the left because under the May the fourth directive erm rich peasants in particular would 've been left out of it altogether and there would still be some landlords who were , who would maintain their property but , but now he 's shifted to the left and this , this does represent a further attack on landlords cos , cos everybody comes down to the same level .
19 The record needs to be put straight on certain issues , and women animators are in a position to do it powerfully and poignantly .
20 The trick is to do it little and often — notice what they do in the fast food chains , ’ Davies says .
21 The trustee must examine every proof of debt and admit it wholly or in part for dividend .
22 In Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Harper 's Garage ( Stourport ) Ltd [ 1968 ] AC 269 Lord Reid said : Whenever a man agrees to do something over a period he thereby puts it wholly or partly out of his power to " exercise any trade or business he pleases " during that period .
23 Thus , there is no authority to make rules modifying fiduciary rights and obligations unless the enabling statute , here the FSA , gives it expressly or by necessary implication .
24 He had liked it terrifically when he had seen it before but had n't wanted to say : it seemed girlish to him to think anything of an animal .
25 They may refer to it or harbour it secretly and allow it to sour their trust and love .
26 One of my colleagues , John Savage , put it forcibly when he said in the programme that pure road racing — that is racing on public roads — was at the crossroads because of lack of numbers and I 'm inclined to agree with him .
27 Anyone who throws a hat into a public arena must be prepared to have it mercilessly though not maliciously trampled upon .
28 I shook it loosely and quickly and threw the dice .
29 The press of carriages represented an increasing desire of those with money to display it rather than hoard it , determined to keep pace with the fashion : ‘ The dreary bourgeois of Balzac have become vain .
30 The main reason that he was carrying it rather than wearing it was that it did not belong to him .
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