Example sentences of "it [be] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 it does n't who 's responsibility would it be to see that the old brochures were withdrawn and the new brochures were put on in there place ?
2 How many degrees would it be to go a third of the way round the circle ?
3 How must it be to tend your bit of land and sow crops and vegetables and perhaps rear animals , knowing you were building up a comfortable home and an inheritance for your children and then see your children taken and forced into slavery by the Robemaker ?
4 - If it is difficult to generalize about the style of an author , how much more difficult may it be to generalize about the style of a genre or an epoch .
5 would it help for my Lord and the jury who 's business would it be to ensure that it was withdrawn , who 's business ?
6 that does n't answer my question , who 's business would it be to ensure that the brochures were withdrawn ?
7 How must it be to work here day after day , month after month , knowing there was no end to it ?
8 How would it be to walk in the Dark Fields and journey in the Mountains of Twilight and swim in the underground Crimson Lakes … ?
9 How easy would it be to fit a Series III dash ( complete ) to my 1974 Series III lightweight .
10 For a terrible moment , something flared in his heart and he felt an insidious tug at his mind : how would it be to enter that Realm , and talk with the Dark Lords and learn their secrets … ?
11 With only small amounts of money changing hands , a limited number of dedicated venues , and , if it were to restrict itself solely to black audiences , a finite number of punters , the black comedy scene is clearly still in its infancy .
12 They pretended that what was happening was not happening , and if it were to happen , it would certainly never happen to the likes of them .
13 If it were to happen in a few year 's time when we have the lottery money , then I think the Sutherland Collection Collection is something that anybody concerned with heritage should make the highest possible priority .
14 There were mediaeval chroniclers , working from monasteries and sometimes from the courts , and those chroniclers were producing history which was an attempt as it were to set down what seemed to them to be the most important things that were happening at the time , with a few asides .
15 But if it were to go up and up and up the blood would become absolutely saturated with sugar which would do us no good at all .
16 This cliff already has an aid climb , The Lid , which , if it were to go free would be very hard indeed .
17 It would be a pity if it were to go .
18 Finally , and most significantly , the public would be seriously worried , whatever the prevailing view in the laboratory , if it were to chink that little of moral significance separated the killing of animals from that of certain groups of human beings such as babies or imbeciles .
19 Even such a perfect match would count for little if the fish had to wave its fins in order to maintain its position in the water , or if it were to move independently from the weed .
20 If it were to close , around 2,500 jobs would go in a recommended merger with the Royal London Hospital .
21 If it were to hold a known instrument off a bed casting then this would need to be declared ; ie " design of a bracket to support instrument off bed " .
22 This situation is known as one of negative ‘ net-effective cost ’ ( NEC ) , and the CEGB should undertake any investment promising NEC on the grounds that it will make electricity prices cheaper than if it were to do nothing .
23 If it were to do so , the very existence of the currency union would be placed in jeopardy .
24 I am confident you would : if it were to save my life I know you would , some of you , hazard your own .
25 ( The term used was ‘ suspended ’ in order to remind the British Government that it could be resumed if it were to give cause . )
26 OMG president , Chris Stone , said Software AG would certainly be able to bring a product to market much more quickly if it were to use the OMG-compliant HD-DOMS for the task .
27 If it were to continue throughout the decade the structure of the game could change significantly , by forcing counties to employ only a small force of top-class full-time professionals supplemented with part timers and the many amateur cricketers thrown up in the recreational game .
28 Whether an OCL waybill would be subject to Hague or Hague-Visby rules if it were to incorporate them by reference , and whether if applied , these rules would exclude inconsistent contractual clauses seems to vary from statute to statute .
29 The Faculty of Homoeopathy would certainly concur with Simon Crawford 's view that it is absolutely unethical for any medicine to be sold as natural and especially as homoeopathic if it were to include pharmacologically active ingredients , whether hormonal or otherwise .
30 Director and general manager said the company had to establish itself independently on its own manufacturing base if it were to realise its potential .
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