Example sentences of "and [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Cranston drained his cup and beamed in self congratulation , giving a sly grin at Athelstan , who glared back .
2 As the mixture becomes too stiff to stir , turn it out onto a surface dusted with cornflour or icing sugar and knead in the remaining icing sugar .
3 Colour the remaining fondant a pale cream colour ( use a tiny amount of diluted yellow food colouring ) and knead in a tiny amount of brown until almost mixed in but still a bit ‘ muddy ’ .
4 To foster in pupils a love of literature , to encourage their awareness of its unique relationship to human experience and to promote in them a sense of excitement in the power and potential of language can be one of the greatest joys of the English teacher .
5 I was scarcely called upon to say a word as she talked , pale smoke drifting from her mouth and her nose and hanging in the light .
6 The window was full of magazines , lying edge to edge and hanging in yellowed cellophane wrappers from clothes-pegs : she was reminded of playing shop as a child , and lining up the tins of food and boxes of soap flakes and bags of flour , all in miniature .
7 Bought at the Ephemera stall for framing , and hanging in the ‘ 121 ’ office of the Principal Clerk – were the Order of Proceedings in the Hall of Assembly on the occasion of the first Assembly after the Union of the Churches in 1929 ; and also the Order of Service for Queen Victoria 's Jubilee Thanksgiving , held in the Assembly Hall in May 1897 .
8 The thin figure leaned over and whispered in the sleeper 's ear .
9 The man behind me leant forward and whispered in my ear , ‘ Tell that guy to quit yapping will you ?
10 Lee took them from her and kissed her and whispered in her ear : ‘ Be nice to Conrad , ’ because she knew Philippa considered him decadent and damned .
11 She stepped forward on tiptoe and whispered in his ear .
12 At midnight , the nice Salvation Army wife , who had travelled with us , shook my arm and whispered in my ear , ‘ Be careful , there 's a man at your feet .
13 He put his hand in his jacket pocket , searching for his wallet , and as he did , Doug , serious now , yanked Harry towards him and whispered in tones from which all traces of his cockney accent were now absent .
14 Suddenly the old man grabbed him and whispered in his ear , ‘ Shh !
15 She flinched , and whispered in his ear , ‘ Ouch , you 're pulling at my wool . ’
16 " This way we 'll get to see more of the real Saigon , " he said loudly for the benefit of their father — then he winked confidentially at Joseph and whispered in his ear : " And the last one there is a horse 's ass .
17 But as she bent to give her the bowl , she lowered her voice , and whispered in Rosa 's ear , ‘ Be careful , you 're not a child any more , you must n't forget that .
18 Clare had planned so often the details of her own wedding , so often pictured herself , radiant in a long , white dress with train , leaning on her father 's arm , advancing with a slow , fragile step down the aisle towards Mark , handsome and smiling in morning dress , while the organ pealed and the candles and flowers blazed , and the guests beamed and whispered in the crowded pews — that she felt a surge of pity for the girl who would have nothing to remember but this sordid little ceremony .
19 After dinner on our last night , then , while Anne was pouring coffee at the sideboard , Poppy walked behind my chair and whispered in my ear .
20 A servant scurried in , leaned over Sir Richard 's shoulder and whispered in his ear .
21 He kissed her again , on the forehead this time , and whispered in her ear , ‘ Kiss me back , McAllister .
22 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
23 A courtier leaned over and whispered in my ear .
24 Duncan looked at the long green grass and , as he looked , the wind blew strong and the tall , green grasses swayed and whispered in the wind .
25 Sir Brian suddenly lifted his face and whispered in Athelstan 's ear .
26 But in another way some stubbornness was at work in me , some determination never to give up , and to cling in secret to whatever reality I could find for myself .
27 She confirmed to McIllvanney that the weather-fax machine and the Loran and the Satnav and the radar and all the other things that hummed and winked and glowed in the night were working properly .
28 But Protestant orthodoxy in the generations after the Reformation had inclined to treat the Bible in a rather hardened and absolute fashion , and to search in it for a wider range of information than the Reformers were looking for .
29 While England sent no revivalist as famous as Moody she did send a number of famous ministers and the works of her most famous preachers were avidly bought and consumed in America .
30 Benjamin drew a distinction between storytelling , which he saw as , in its purest form , an oral-aural transaction between a narrator and an audience physically present to each other , and the novel , which is produced in one place by a solitary silent author , and consumed in another place by a solitary silent reader .
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