Example sentences of "a large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later the same term was used to denote the geometrical figure that is formed when a smaller square is cut out of a larger square with two of its adjacent sides lying along two adjacent sides of the latter .
2 Every now and then the launch took a larger wave on her starboard bow and she would shy away like a frightened colt .
3 Glaucous has a larger head and neck and heavier bill , recalling Great Black-back , whereas the Iceland 's are notably smaller and slenderer .
4 Perhaps a pilot study for a larger development that was never built .
5 Sweden is a larger country than Norway with a compact Arctic region dominated by a mountain chain that runs along its western edge , near the border with Norway .
6 Some parishes with a larger problem maintained workhouses or poorhouses , ranging from relatively well-run institutions to vermin-ridden dumps for the poor and insane .
7 The effectiveness of economic advice is but part of a larger problem : the appropriateness of the government machine to the tasks which have been placed upon it .
8 If the hon. Gentleman sends the evidence , we will examine it to see what happened in that case , and whether it is evidence of a larger problem .
9 If we get it wrong in year two , it will be even more wrong in year three , because the distribution is n't going to alter dramatically in our favour , so if there is under-funding in ninety four , ninety five that we manage , it will present itself as a larger problem in ninety five , six , and an even larger problem in ninety s six , seven , so that needs to be borne in mind .
10 The larger number of claims and a larger problem out there is with the cumulative trauma .
11 The narrower the range of comparison , the surer we shall be that the stylistic features we are attributing to Jane Austen are peculiar to her style , rather than to the style of a larger category of writings " which includes hers .
12 Where objects are deliberately unique it may be that they are intended to signify some generic concept of uniqueness , such as in art ; the object is then both an individual form and an example of a larger category to which it must be related .
13 Fortunately the visibility was excellent , and so we could fly at 3,000 feet above the terrain to give us a larger cone of vision as well as options in the event of engine failure .
14 Meanwhile we 're impatient for a larger return on investment .
15 ‘ Certain scholars have reservations about the kind of exhibitions she did because they lack factual perspective ’ , says Harold Koda , ‘ but in terms of a larger concept of truth , she captured the truth of fashion ’ .
16 but from this precise description we are drawn into a larger concept :
17 Because of this the investigators subsequently carried out a larger trial ( in 86 babies ) , which did not confirm either the reduction in haemorrhage or the increase in mortality .
18 Before widespread changes in practice are made this finding needs confirmation in a larger trial with mortality and major respiratory and cerebral morbidity as the primary outcomes .
19 A larger trial in Crohn 's disease is being evaluated .
20 Physical sex is a larger factor in the life of the woman , married or unmarried , than in the life of the man …
21 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
22 We shall here use adjectival position to mean any construction which has the function of realizing some distinct pattern of intensional relations , and which meets the following criteria : ( a ) It contains an adjective as one of its elements ; ( b ) It is minimally extended for that adjective , i.e. there are no further elements dependent on the adjective ( since all such phrases will reduce in their structural effect to a single occurrence of adjective anyway ) ; ( c ) It is minimally complete for that adjective ; that is , the adjective achieves its structural effect within the construction , so that setting the whole pattern into a larger construction can not change the effective value of the adjective .
23 At a larger distance , none the less , a pattern of partial unity of purpose grows faintly visible , and the old romancers and young realists of post-war Britain by now look one in what they denied and defied , even if they remain opposed in style and in the positives of dogmatic faith .
24 The fleet will be shipped around the world to venues where the sailing will be just part of a larger event .
25 There was obviously a larger village of Buscot here , around the church and parsonage , for the present village lies some way off across the fields .
26 Clio is the roomiest car in its class , with a larger luggage space than any of its rivals .
27 Erm what would present problems in real life I think would be developments of a larger kind than that in which a new settlement er might be one strategic site if we had such a policy might be another .
28 It had been intended at Vatican I to complement the papal definitions with something much wider , but pressure from Franco-Prussian conflict combined , maybe , with a lack of Roman interest in a larger agenda , prevented anything further from being said .
29 First , the Bank of England has already returned to the gilt market as an issuer and the prospect over the next few years is one of a larger PSBR and gilt issuance .
30 Even quite small stands may support a pair of reed-buntings , while a larger reed-bed provides a home for the reed-warbler .
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