Example sentences of "of [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The space in front of St Giles may well be a different matter , but is the ubiquitous British bollard all we can think of for making the space more significant ?
2 Textual studies have aesthetic implications in the end , which is the best reason we can think of for carrying on with them .
3 The best method the Mafia can think of for distributing its heroin in America is a chain of pizza parlours , where the sons of top mafiosi are frequently offered jobs as a favour to their fathers .
4 Its suitability of for measuring plant growth in the way required here is discussed in Chapter 2 .
5 In contrast to the main characters of Out and Such , the anonymous protagonist of Between appears to be relatively well adapted to the world in which she lives and travels .
6 Since the introduction of through working on the main line in 1926 , cars on the Thornton Heath service had shown the destination ‘ Greyhound ’ as their southern terminus , but had in fact reversed at the Davis Theatre ( a large cinema ) a little further down the High Street , near South End .
7 Penge U.D.C. were quite happy with the proposed double track throughout , as they thought it would help if there was ever a prospect of through running with the London County Council .
8 The question of through running with the L.C.C .
9 The matter of through running to Mitcham was raised at a meeting on 8 June , attended by Messrs. Spencer and Mason , for the Companies and Messrs. Bruce , Croom-Johnson and F. Scothorne for the L.C.C .
10 At the same meeting as the through service was decided upon , the possibility of through running over each other 's tracks for access to overhaul works was also discussed and mutually beneficial arrangements worked out .
11 It 's paradoxical because often divorce law reforms thought of as favouring women and in circumspect that allows women to get away from an unreasonable husband and that kind of thing , it 's certainly true , but at the same time you have to notice that in terms of reproductive success it may benefit more er men more .
12 Er opposed to God and of which may well be thought of as incarnating itself in those men in every generation , who have sin to be the blatant opponents of God .
13 Secondly I think the sad thing is is that at one time the idea of the foyer bar was the fact that er mother 's and children go in for a coffee facility or tea facility now I 'm I 'm one of one of the problems about criticism is is perhaps they do n't know all the facts and one of the facts which I think astounded me was the actual local police stopped that and said that that was n't permissible for if you were selling alcohol then it did n't it was n't right that that children under age and young children were allowed in the same area and that was that was changed then we got a new a new police superintendent and he said it was permissible and then we got another super he went they do n't stay very long in Harlow and we got somebody else came along and he said no that is n't permissible so we got very schizophrenic about what you could do with the foyer bar one minute you could have and the idea of about telling people and there young mothers going shopping come here for coffee , cakes for the children etc stop that we 've now got a new superintendent in Harlow and I think with applied going back to him and saying well please advice us can we or ca n't we ?
14 I 've got something for tea for tonight , I never thought of about getting
15 Well er er erm the the whole point of about asking that sort of question is that er I in my own mind I know where I think
16 this is erm , this is going to be exhibited here on the twenty third of July , ok , erm , two , two of Gaugin 's pictures , this is one of them , and several other artists er of the same period , and I think this is going to be the only venue in , in England , I do n't think there coming , sort of worth seeing , but unfortunately I shall miss it cos I 'm , I wo n't be here , erm this is a poster of
17 Some ways of of providing money to get resources which will erm have the kind of facilities that people want to use , and where they will come together and be together .
18 Erm , I think er your idea of of getting the ins professional institutions together
19 And that that would make anybody initially very suspicious of of getting to know o other people there .
20 So it is really a way of of getting away from just everything being in Westminster .
21 What 's the what 's the primary method of of getting contact with the audience ?
22 Well that 's it , when Shakespeare wrote a play and the text has survived and , but the way of of joshing the people on the way they do it is different every generation and even most of the people in the same generation would would have a different way of doing it .
23 Well that 's it , when Shakespeare wrote a play and the text has survived and , but the way of of joshing the people on the way they do it is different every generation and even most of the people in the same generation would would have a different way of doing it .
24 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
25 And er they were just they were just in the in the act of of of tapping of tapping a couple of these barrels , and er i it was unfortunate that the that the police showed up .
26 Er ploughmen and horsemen were the elite of farm workers and the sons would could only aspire to do what they did and And er eventually I suspect it got to be a little more organized and er they had these little games of of ploughing matches , maybe in a rudimentary farm to begin with , but it eventually came to be as we see it today , over a long period of time .
27 That homework should last approximately half an hour or whatever it consists of , erm reading , written work , finishing off drawing research whatever that homework should be handed in the next day , form teachers to remind classes of this and to co-ordinate delivery of the books , papers etcetera to the member of teaching staff and that the non production of homework is to be the concern of the member of of teaching staff and not the form teacher , although regular non producers will be the concern of us all .
28 So maybe m y'know kind of the process of of of reconstructing memories , the process of remembering um is prompted by other things .
29 So was the s the family standard of of living reasonably high in those days ?
30 Really that brings out one of the benefits of of using this sort of network because you can analyse it .
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