Example sentences of "of [noun] rather " in BNC.

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1 Cute , but I 'd say the effect was of unity rather than a two-sided battle .
2 Taken together , the evidence assembled under the four points of assessment rather suggests that the conventional model of responsible party government is at odds with the facts and so does not provide an adequate explanation for party politics and the making of public policy .
3 Had their remit been wider , they might well have discovered that many of the teachers ' anxieties about LMS arose from a lack of faith in school-level decision-making and a feeling of being somehow ‘ outside ’ the decision-making process : a ‘ victim ’ of change rather than an agent of it .
4 Thus , it was the accustomed pace of change rather than the fact of an early start , which had already begun to place Britain at a disadvantage in competition against her major rivals at the beginning of the present century .
5 Her argument is that Irigaray , as a psychoanalyst , sees psychoanalysis as a process of change rather than as a scientific theory : Irigaray 's work suggests ways in which psychoanalysis could be seen as a model for feminists seeking fundamental social change , in particular by proposing an alternative model for the relation between the rational and the non-rational which would be more satisfactory than the dominant paradigm .
6 and er ideology of change rather than industrial relations , erm revolution
7 In agreeing to obey his decision they agreed to follow his judgment of the balance of reasons rather than their own .
8 In recent years there has also been an increasing trend towards imports of products rather than crude oil which has not helped the domestic oil industry .
9 For the first time , money purchase schemes have been allowed to contract out ( i.e. pension schemes that depend on the outcome of investments rather than a formula based on contributions ) .
10 The result was a hunt for the biochemical mechanism of memory at what was a fundamentally mistaken level — that of molecules rather than the brain systems in which molecules are embedded .
11 Tallis , greatest of the group , was capable of the most ingenious contrapuntal feats — as he demonstrates in his seven-part ‘ Miserere nostri ’ where superius I and II are in canon at the unison while simultaneously the descant is in canon with ( a ) the contratenor in quadruple augmentation , ( b ) bassus I in inverted intervals and 16-fold augmentation , ( c ) bassus II inverted and in double augmentation — to say nothing of his famous ‘ Spem in alium ’ for eight five-part choirs with its effects of mass rather than subtlety .
12 For example , collocations extracted from the domain of Banking may be of little use when processing a medical report , since words like ’ charge ’ behave differently when used to describe a type of payment rather than a type of nurse .
13 Secondly , it was held that on the proper construction of the lease the provisions relating to gold regulated the manner of payment rather than the amount of payment .
14 The United Nations reception centres for Contra rebels to return and lay down their weapons , opened for business in an atmosphere of hope rather than anticipation .
15 The assessment tools of most professionals concentrate on the degree of impairment rather than the degree of potential .
16 Organisations tend to emphasise the benefits of policies rather than their costs , looking at the objectives to be achieved rather than the resources available .
17 Science 's empirical connection to the world is an abstracted , or selective , one dealing with the properties , attributes or qualities of phenomena rather than with the phenomena themselves .
18 The check had become a matter of necessity rather than of choice .
19 She agreed with the Bishop of Lincoln rather than with the students of Lincoln , for she thought him a disaster in the pulpit ; blinking , and articulating his words with difficulty , and often using the peculiar phrase ‘ paradoxic ally speaking ’ .
20 The more we look at the behaviour of insects , birds , mammals , and man , the more we see a continuum of complexity rather than any difference in kind that might separate the intellectual Valhalla of our species from the apparently mindless computations of insects .
21 They are interested in what new machinery is available , certainly , but at the moment it 's a case of window-shopping rather than parting with hard cash .
22 The sociological implications of this view , that racism produces ethnic disadvantage , are that attention should focus on the history and mode of operation of racism rather than the ways in which ethnic minorities do or do not adapt to British society .
23 Judith Hughes , for example , puts forward a way of seeing autonomy ( and adulthood ) based primarily on the notion of responsibility rather than that of rationality , thus giving an ethical dimension to autonomy .
24 She argues that autonomy should not be seen as a psychological capacity , but as a social one , depending on public acknowledgement , and that this acknowledgement arises from the recognition of responsibility rather than of rationality .
25 GEC Marconi , which employs 3,500 people in Simon Burns ' Chelmsford constituency , signs contracts with the Ministry of Defence rather than Swan Hunter .
26 In July 1870 the war began , and suddenly the Channel became a first line of defence rather than an obstacle to trade .
27 After the meeting , the North Americans acknowledged that : ‘ We recognise more clearly what our nation , along with other western powers , has done through its communication resources to dominate other cultures and … serve the interests of transnationals rather than those of people . ’
28 We export not only form and content but western economics-based theories of media regulation that serve the interests of transnationals rather than those of peoples .
29 What might be said is that the ethical connotation of the method of action he proposed was being made clear by the choice of satyāgraha rather than sadāgraha .
30 By the use of this technique , it will be possible to gain precise information about the nature of reading difficulties at the time of comprehension rather than relying on inferences made from memory performance .
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