Example sentences of "the time course " in BNC.

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1 The time course of healing can be observed in the egg , from camera lucida drawings of living specimens followed throughout the process .
2 The time course of e.p.s.p. peak amplitude mean ( filled squares ) and s.d. ( open squares ) , binned into 5 epochs of 50 trials .
3 Summary of the time course of the relative changes in e.p.s.p. peak amplitude ( open squares ) , P ( open circles ) and v 1 ( filled diamonds ) for the 13e.p.s.ps analysed .
4 A general problem with the candidates discussed above is the time course of their action .
5 In addition , reversal experiments can be done , allowing the time course of the effects of the manipulation to be observed .
6 The time course of enzymatic methyltransfer from [ 3 H ] -SAM to high-molecular-weight DNA was followed by a TCA-precipitation assay ( Figure 3 ) .
7 The time course of the change must be compatible with the time course of memory formation .
8 The time course of the change must be compatible with the time course of memory formation .
9 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
12 Tasks which require subjects to read and respond to sentences and which furnish precise data on the time course of their reading , are able to reveal much more about sentence processing .
13 The time course of the plasma free leucine enrichment after the ‘ flooding dose ’ ( Fig 1 ) , showed peak enrichment immediately after the leucine infusion had finished followed by a linear fall in all subjects .
14 The time course of resolution of the hypergastrinaemia during antibacterial treatment indicates that it is more closely related to resolution of the antral gastritis than to suppression of bacterial urease activity .
15 The time course of the study protocol ( Fig 1 ) indicates when ulcer healing was confirmed or when the patient was withdrawn from the protocol for other reasons .
16 The time course of DNA synthesis after the start of the infusion was the same as that following 70% hepatectomy , enhancement of DNA formation occurring within 15 hours .
17 Figure 5 shows that the time course of HT-29 cell adhesion to these substrates was remarkably different .
18 The time course of Ac-ASA uptake was investigated to try to differentiate between true uptake and simple entrainment of drug in the glycocalyx .
19 Figures 2 and 3 show the time course of Ac-ASA uptake over two hours for both concentrations of drug ( 0.1 mM and 1.0 mM ) in two single experiments .
20 Figure 2 shows the time course of enzymatic hydrolysis of PABA-UDCA disulphate at six different concentrations of substrate .
21 The presence of 200 nmol/l staurosporine did not alter the time course of the desensitisation that was seen when HGT-1 cells were exposed to histamine at 37°C ( data not shown .
22 The time course of the in-vivo reaction between isocyanic acid and terminal valine residues of the haemoglobin chains is unknown , but measurement of carbamylated haemoglobin may give an indication of the degree of uraemia in the preceding weeks .
23 The sensitivity , specificity , and positive predictive value of the use of carbamylated haemoglobin as a biochemical discriminant in determining the time course and degree of uraemia were calculated .
24 When a patient is seen for the first time , a single measurement of serum urea or creatinine alone is not helpful in differentiating the time course of renal failure .
25 The TRACE II designers had to duplicate the entire knowledge network over and over in order to represent the time course of speech processing .
26 Figure 1 presents the time course of dissociation of actinomycin from tyr T DNA measured at three different temperatures .
27 The other lanes show the time course of the dissociation from which it can be seen that there are time dependent changes in the footprinting pattern which eventually becomes like that of the control .
28 The other lanes show the time course of the dissociation .
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