Example sentences of "such [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Some cases do n't seem to have any physical cause at all , but have been linked to intangible factors such as times of stress , anxiety or depression , although this is quite rare .
2 A medical model has a strict routine , whereas a social work model allows for more individual autonomy and choice in matters such as times of getting up , going to bed , and going out for independent activities , which might conflict with staff shifts and rotas .
3 Tradition rules , therefore , that you set the text in a serif face such as Times , Palatino , Bookman or Century Schoolbook while the headings are contrasted in a sans serif one such as Helvetica or Avant Garde .
4 Different people in the group will be given specific roles such as time keeper , secretary ; and there will be explicit rules of behaviour such as only speaking through the chair , considering one idea at a time , recapping frequently from the secretary 's minutes and so on .
5 You should make a report giving details such as time and place of death , witnesses , any falls or injuries , etc .
6 Moreover , there are a number of other types of measurement , such as time sampling , which because of their more specific nature are not included here .
7 The costs to the service in terms of resources such as teaching aids should be relatively little , given that they are often reusable , while opportunity costs , such as time taken in learning how to teach and time in which to teach , could be recouped through the improved patient care which results from heightened awareness of current trends and developments .
8 Non-monetary factors such as time , effort and compassion are , of course , essential too , but not enough on their own .
9 In the course of reporting events , every language makes a different selection from a large set of possible distinctions in terms of notions such as time , number , gender , shape , visibility , person , proximity , animacy , and so on .
10 A language can , of course , express any kind of information its speakers need to express , but the grammatical system of a given language will determine the ease with which certain notions such as time reference or gender can be made explicit .
11 Centuries ago , the Greeks and Romans assumed that notional categories such as time , number , and gender existed in the real world and must therefore be common to all languages .
12 Even categories such as time and number , which many of us take as reflecting basic aspects of experience , are only optionally indicated in some Asian languages such as Chinese and Vietnamese .
13 1 Choose a notional category such as time reference , gender , countability , visibility , or animacy and compare the way it is expressed in your target language with the way it is expressed in English .
14 In fact , a language user will often recognize a semantic relation such as time sequence even when no explicit signal of such a relationship exists in the text .
15 It is important to remember that management techniques such as time and motion study , financial controls etc are used by high producing managers ‘ at least as completely as by the low producing managers , but in quite different ways . ’
16 If circumstances such as time and place are relevant to the question whether the conduct is disorderly in the first place , what sorts of factors should the court ( or the policeman on the spot ) take into account in deciding whether or not the conduct was ‘ reasonable ’ ?
17 There is no reason why the clause should not set out the detail of the procedure , such as time limits by which representations have to be made , and whether representations are to be exchanged simultaneously between the parties or served consecutively like pleadings .
18 However , the ambit of the Act is extended by s13 which provides that to the extent that the Act applies the exclusion or restriction of liability , it also applies to clauses which : ( a ) make " any liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions " , such as time limit clauses requiring notification of claims , or commencement of proceedings , within a limited time ; ( b ) exclude or restrict " any right or remedy in respect of the liability " , such as clauses : ( i ) excluding the right of a buyer to reject goods , terminate a contract or exercise a right of set-off , or ( ii ) requiring a customer to accept repair or replacement from the supplier ; ( c ) subject " a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any right or remedy " ; ( d ) exclude or restrict any rules of evidence or procedure , such as clauses : ( i ) making certificates of quality conclusive evidence that goods correspond with the contract , ( ii ) making one party 's record of a transaction conclusive evidence of the facts recorded , ( iii ) requiring certain evidence in order to obtain particular remedies — eg " no refunds without receipt " .
19 Likewise , if past convention has made a particular layout familiar ( such as time increasing downwards or from left to right ) , a change should be considered only if a clear advantage is to be gained .
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