Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 An open policy to trade may be maintained if the nation is doing well economically , but a less successful economic position may lead to swift and much more extreme action to erect trade barriers and bring in other sanctions .
2 Neither side feels that its principles may be maintained if it is tempted by the other .
3 More long-term data are scarce , but evidence suggests compliance may be maintained for at least four years with good blood pressure control and improved cardiovascular risk in non-diabetics ( Dodson et al , 1982 , 1985 ) .
4 A single dose may be needed to reduce a markedly elevated blood glucose and then glycaemic control may be maintained with twice-daily injections .
5 It was pointed out that if unproductive consumption is increased equilibrium may be maintained .
6 In this way basic existential security may be maintained , but at the cost of being less able to desire new attachments to new objects .
7 It is a means by which a relationship may be maintained with objects which are at the same time always potentially alienable .
8 Where a change of use occurs the local planning authority is concerned with the intended use to which the property is to be put in order that the character of the locality may be maintained in accordance with other development schemes .
9 ‘ As my Lord said , there may be particular kinds of libel which can not affect a corporation , but in respect of such libels as are injurious to it an action may be maintained .
10 Thus , an uncompetitive market structure may be maintained indefinitely because of barriers to entry and exit ; products are not , as in the model , homogeneous , but have differentiating characteristics which enable producers to raise prices without causing a total shift in demand to their rivals ; and finally , purchasers lack perfect information and hence may pay higher prices than they would if aware of alternative , cheaper , sources of supply .
11 These would include its use in emergency airway management in the field and in cervical spine injury as the neck may be maintained in the neutral position during insertion and laryngoscopy is not needed .
12 A log book or diary of activities may be maintained during the investigation .
13 The draftsman should either designate in the lease the place where the advertisement may be maintained , or grant the tenant a right to maintain an advertisement in such place as may be designated from time to time by the landlord or his surveyor .
14 Details of the science experiments which the astronaut will carry out may be revealed in the next week or two , Professor Heinz Wolff , of Brunel University , said .
15 The differing emotions in horses may be revealed by a slight tightening of a muscle or a movement of the whole body .
16 Albert Schweitzer pointed out that there is a modesty of spirit which should not be violated , although occasionally one 's close friends may be revealed to one in special moments , almost like a flash of lightning which illuminates briefly but clearly .
17 Such mixture of affective psychosis and schizophrenia may be revealed in changes in the symptom profile that are observed when the person is studied over a period of time , or it may be evident within a single episode of illness .
18 But when the therapist starts to enquire how they react to the problems at home a difference in opinion may be revealed .
19 It is also suggested that , provided we plunge below the surface of these theories , certain important links between them may be revealed .
20 When viewed in this light its theoretical position and its influence in relation to the social movements of Fabianism and New Liberalism may be revealed .
21 Again , in attempting to dissect a living phenomenon , the skeleton may be revealed while the specimen dies .
22 Structuralism may be employed to excavate the principles of classification and order which unite what on the surface appear as highly disparate domains , so that for a particular society food preparation , kinship and myth may be revealed as transformations of each other .
23 Because methodology is fully exposed , genuine defects may be revealed , or more frustratingly , discussion sidetracked away from implications .
24 If there is any legislation which it is necessary to pass for special departmental or other reasons , and is generally accepted by the different parties , it may be undertaken .
25 No political action may be undertaken or justified on the ground that it promotes an ideal of the good nor on the ground that it enables individuals to pursue an ideal of the good .
26 No political action may be undertaken if it makes a difference to the likelihood that a person will endorse one conception of the good or another , or to his chances of realizing his conception of the good , unless other actions are undertaken which cancel out such effects .
27 So two questions need to be resolved on my analysis : first , is prevention ordinary treatment ? and , second , if preventive care depends on data drawn from special treatment , does this mean that special care may be undertaken only under conditions of limited , controlled research , which is what I suspect is what care of the VLBW baby really is , rather than by adopting the current haphazard approach which may wrongly dissipate resources ?
28 It is possible that Drummond and Hutton 's review underestimates the total activity , since many appraisals may be undertaken within health authorities and such reports do not always enter into the public domain .
29 Whilst in general planning permission is required for all development , certain uses falling within a class specified in an Order made by the Secretary of State may be undertaken without the need for planning permission .
30 It is worth noting that imaginative use of unsophisticated technology ( as discussed in Chapter 7 ) can aid this part of an investigation , enabling a large volume of activities that may be undertaken by specified functional groups to be readily summarised .
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