Example sentences of "only that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( 7 ) A person shall not be disqualified from acting as a member of a licensing board in relation to any matter by reason only that as a member of a committee constituted under section 47 of this Act he was concerned with the matter in question .
2 A banquet-hall deserted — Broadstone Station would henceforth be only that to thousands for whom it had for long been associated with happiness — the happiness of the day 's work , the happiness of companionship , the happiness of simply being alive on a fine day .
3 Only that to the " bottom left " carries a lateral , swastika meander .
4 Around the three main doors ( only that on the left is real ) are designs from the pattern book of Vredeman de Vries by Caspar Bendl .
5 The first repetition is not particularly distinguished : the signs on k and P t are correct , but only that on P t is significantly different from zero .
6 1.7 Example ( 26 ) shows us the second and less common relation contributing to the unfolding of syntactic structures , which we shall call equation , adopting the obvious symbol to represent it : ( 26 ) Fitzpatrick , our neighbour , used to plant potatoes the subject exemplifies the basic pattern [ E = E ] , ( as does the underlined portion of ( 22 ) ) ; in more exact terms , what we have in this subject phrase is : As we have just remarked , equational phrases are rarer than phrases involving qualification ; and , among them , there is a very large disproportion in favour of equation between E and E , rather than between P and P. Nevertheless , the latter can be found ; two examples would be : ( 28 ) what I need is a cup of strong , dark coffee for a fast , convenient trip to the city , take the Skytram This is clearly not to say that strong and dark , or fast and convenient , are equivalent at the type level ; only that on some particular occasion of use , as here , they may be regarded by speaker , or copywriter , as equivalent .
7 Only that between you and your husband I see a conspiracy to force me to forfeit Artai 's favour . ’
8 You have to remember only that from each such encounter he must , to make the story one of continuing progress and placate Thomas Ozro MacAdoo , take some new fact , something that leads him on , in most cases , to another confrontation — and take us , the readers , with him .
9 It is only that by doing so , the accounts are reflecting the economic reality more closely .
10 It is not only that in the past unions have not tried or wanted to recruit such workers ; temporary workers themselves have often had no real interest in being recruited .
11 If God had so wished , he most certainly could have created duplicate worlds ; it is only that in so doing God would have acted without a sufficient reason , and this would be contrary to his nature .
12 This is not to say that financial reports should be restricted to financial measures , of course , only that in practice they are .
13 A suggested clause to be included in either the Articles or the subscription and shareholders ' agreement is : A director of the company who has been appointed to the board by a member or class of members pursuant to the Articles of Association to represent the interests of that member or class of members shall , notwithstanding any rule of law or equity to the contrary , not be considered in breach of his fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the company by reason only that in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his powers , he has regard to the interests and acts upon the wishes of that member or class of members when no honest and reasonable director could have formed the view that in so doing , the director was also promoting the interests of the company as a whole .
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