Example sentences of "now from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now from a creature of five senses , we might aspire to that creature that Voltaire conceived of that had a hundred senses .
2 A year ago they would have replied in kind ; now from a hundred throats came the new cry : ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ with if anything even greater fervour .
3 The attitude to unmarried mothers is very different now from a generation ago , but it is still a tragedy for most families if a schoolgirl daughter becomes pregnant .
4 The use of ‘ strong ’ is significant because we have moved now from a weak , lifeless stance to a healthier , more robust one .
5 This structural awareness can be as hard to handle as any decision to try to publish the account , for what has happened in the past and what is expected now from the insider is tied up with an understanding of how the institution of policing prefers to present a restricted image for outside consumption , as I have described above .
6 It is a totally different situation now from the one the Government inherited . ’
7 It was a generally constructive attempt to discuss the fact that 2 or 3 per cent of the population of most big European countries is now from the Third World , something which those who rhapsodise about the ‘ European identity ’ often ignore .
8 In its grace , fire , and expressive fluency it was in some ways an important transition between the old Teutonic Bach style of the nineteenth century and what we expect now from the so-called authenticity movement .
9 Tickets for all the May Arts Week event are available now from the box offices at Kennett Music in Lenten Street ( Alton 86767 ) and The Curtis Museum ( Alton 82802 ) .
10 The wind has died and now from the brooding world of the floor of the forest there burst from on high the calls of birds that cascade through the dense branches like the chimes of Chinese wind bells .
11 It is complicated by intrusions , where sudden squalls or now from the bay 's 50-odd tributaries causes local mixing .
12 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
13 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
14 He was indistinguishable now from the ragged half-starved men , women , and children he struggled day and night to help .
15 In those days , children were not so sheltered as now from the pressures of adult life , and the exploitation of child prodigies for material gain was not frowned upon .
16 Now from the main menu select Lace .
17 He was doing that now from the memory .
18 To turn back now from the monastic life , however it had been approached , was to turn back to a world of uncertainty and to face a future in which only damnation was assured .
19 Freed now from the burden of dealing with the Witch King , Teclis turned his energies on the horde of evil .
20 Okay , now from the top , take two … lovely , now we need some back shot noddies ( TV jargon , y'know ) . ’
21 He had nothing left now from the Exhibition .
22 You can not conceive of experiences which are not yours ( generalising now from the simple example of pain ) and you can not achieve in any other way a conception of a subject of those experiences who is not you .
23 There was a strong breeze now from the mouth of the river and the metallic sound of the lines flapping against the masts filled the air , contesting with the cry of gulls overhead .
24 Now from the Prudential erm an entirely different picture .
25 As a matter of fact I 've been I 've got a book now from the library we got last week that er about Moseley and er and his daughter , and it 's good .
26 Once a femur or a forearm would have played a pure note if you 'd used one for a pipe , but the pieces would whistle harsh and offkey now from the holes bored into them by the efficient mandibles of her companions in the vertical grave , the cenote where they placed her after the battle , during the truce .
27 He was very different now from the frightened boy in Basil Hallward 's house .
28 Let us move now from the level of cultural theory to cultural ‘ practice ’ .
29 You 're singing a different tune now from the one you sang after you 'd left her behind and got yourself arrested .
30 We know now from the Portuguese Government that that delegation has been called off because of the recent tragic events in East Timor .
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