Example sentences of "about a long " in BNC.

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1 From the Board 's viewpoint the negative factors relating to evening courses were concerned mainly with the instructors , who might well be tired after a day 's work and might also be anxious about a long journey home afterwards .
2 She is much exercised about a long letter which arrived today , which she did not show me , but smiled over , and caught up and folded away .
3 To sum up then , according to the so-called unorthodox view , the company , or rather individuals on the conglomerate 's behalf , deals on either inside information acquired in the course of business about another company , for example , an investment banking client on the verge of announcing an increase in expected profits ; or on information ‘ leaked ’ by one arm of the conglomerate about a long or short position it has taken as market maker on specific shares and which it would like to off-load into the accounts of customers in the conglomerate 's fund management arm .
4 When they reached St Mark 's Square , with its usual motley crowd of tourists and pigeons , corn-sellers and hawkers , he paused outside Florian 's and suggested , ‘ What about a long , cool drink ? ’
5 I mean I do that with a , you know when I 'm sort of on about a long delivery talk about
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