Example sentences of "time [coord] again " in BNC.

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1 And she recalled her favourite Hans Andersen fairytale , the one that had brought her time and again to tears .
2 Certain steps , poses and gestures are bound to recur because tradition has demonstrated time and again that technically there are certain sure ways of giving the design dimension , variety and texture .
3 It was what Pound found out the hard way , when the recurrent occasions of The Cantes compelled him time and again , not infrequently , to go against the precepts that he had promulgated himself when he was the fugleman for imagism and vorticism — for instance ( and it is only the most obvious instance ) , the prohibition against archaic diction .
4 But the damage had been done , and Wilson 's elevation of Eliot at Pound 's expense was to be Echoed time and again for at least thirty years , and indeed is still to be heard even today .
5 Time and again the Conservative politicians we approached would talk in private frankly and openly about the problems they foresaw for their party .
6 Time and again , his resignation during the Westland affair was held against him .
7 Time and again , she would turn to simple , homely precepts drawn from the grocer 's shop in Grantham , embellished with strongly held views about human nature .
8 The nation 's foreign policy remained highly personal , with Downing Street bypassing the Foreign Office time and again .
9 Time and again he is savaged for speaking on subjects about which his critics claim he knows nothing .
10 The first was tackled in a way that was to set the pattern — a devastating technique that the Prince has used time and again : bringing people together who would not normally meet .
11 Not only that , it was brought up time and again by the media and used to undermine the serious work that he was trying so hard to do .
12 Letters were lost , and time and again Charles would discover that his staff had failed to show him a document or letter , or turned down an invitation on his behalf without ever showing it to him .
13 Time and again her paintings demonstrated an alternative to the brink which they sensed his were heading for .
14 Time and again her paintings protested against the art 's threat of suicide .
15 Yet , analysts are heard asking time and again , ‘ Tell me what you want .
16 Time and again the images have a distilled beauty : the simple two-shot before the battle in which Krishna explains to the warrior Arjuna that ‘ Victory and defeat , pleasure and pain are all the same ’ , the sight of the nagaswaram ( the shawm-like musical instruments ) echoing their peals to the skies , Karna 's golden lance speeding through the air on its momentous flight to pierce the green-bellied Ghatotkatcha .
17 She was forced time and again to face the fact that , for so many of those into whose care she was put , it was just a job .
18 Time and again between then and the UN deadline of January 15th , he could have averted the allied counter-offensive that followed .
19 Time and again , these poets seem to be carrying , in the very tones of their voices , the burdens of the history and the suffering of the Soviet Union and its peoples .
20 The fate of attempted reforms has only added to the north 's alienation , as Catholic bishops have time and again pulled Dublin 's politicians by the ear — ‘ a question ’ , as the senior archbishop put it earlier this month , ‘ of legislators respecting the moral convictions to which people adhere , and which are influenced by their membership of the church . ’
21 The classic route , proved time and again by waves of immigrants , is education .
22 How we fail it , time and again !
23 It is the word which came up time and again in the story of Jacob 's tricking his dying father .
24 The plants grow where they have put themselves or they are planted where they are most likely to thrive , and the best plants are worth repeating time and again .
25 Terry Biddlecombe on Greek Scholar did likewise , Brian Hetcher remounted Red Alligator , Pat McCarron tried time and again to get Freddie through the sea of flailing legs and eventually did so .
26 Time and again , he made it run through the sequence with him .
27 It was the main reason the party stayed so long the creature of the Magic Circle and the explanation for the exclusion , time and again , of otherwise talented party-members who did n't happen to have the right pedigree .
28 Once someone has established themselves as being the right sort of chap , then their name crops up time and again .
29 Time and again the IBA proved itself a sucker to serious-sounding prospectuses , awarding franchise to London Weekend Television and the new breakfast television service , TVAM , only for them to turn out complete flops which later recouped their investment by lowering standards .
30 Time and again when we think that we have nailed the political , military , and economic aspects of huge missionary undertakings , another point of view makes itself apparent , sometimes quite unexpectedly , in the sources .
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