Example sentences of "have been [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So I walked beneath the trees and found just under my feet pieces of old concrete and what might once have been bits of wall .
2 No one was injured but factory inspectors say there could easily have been casualities .
3 Finally , the ‘ deme judges ’ ( again an originally Pisistratid invention ) dispensed a justice which was uniform for all Attica , but they travelled round the demes on a kind of assize circuit ; they too must have been agents of unification .
4 These may have been farmsteads or hamlets , but they were certainly not large or extensive enough to be villages , whatever their status or internal arrangements .
5 There must have been nicknames but er ca n't really , do n't really remember .
6 Slowly he removed the hat and slowly he looked down at it , his vision blurred by alcohol , but for all anyone knew it could have been tears .
7 I think we would have been friends .
8 In a better place and time , we 'd have been friends .
9 Paige felt sorry for her ; they could so easily have been friends , but for Lori 's jealousy .
10 The first four should perhaps have been Giants , although the number of good female reads is a bit too heavy in April .
11 It was a cold fossil ; the people in it could have been strangers .
12 But as far as the Prince 's speech was concerned the couple might as well have been strangers .
13 She stopped at the graveyard to visit the dead ; but as , even alive , they would all have been strangers to her she felt intrusive .
14 Instead we might have been strangers .
15 Jackals and martens could hardly have lifted the latch and , even if they had found their way in , there would have been signs of a scuffle : dead chickens , scattered feathers .
16 Surely there would have been signs of porpoise tanks or something of that kind on board , and there was only the diving equipment and the submersible research vehicle .
17 A team creates a supportive atmosphere where people are happy to go at risk , say what they really think , develop one another 's ideas and commit to an agreed course of action even though there may have been differences of opinion .
18 The only influence on their choice could have been differences in the credit terms .
19 Ultimately , there might have been differences between them in what enlargement meant , but the point is that higher education stood for an overriding and widening development of the mind .
20 So , in their capacity as workers in those factories they were not Co-operators at all , though they may very well have been members of consumers , co-operative societies owning an interest in those factories .
21 Both Edmunds may also have been members of the Spectaclemakers ' Company .
22 Members of the Soviet government ( the Council of Ministers ) were essentially administrative heads of ministries , but at the same time they were party members , and a few of them may even have been members of the Politburo .
23 They could have been members of the House of Atreus .
24 The authorities ' heavy-handed intervention showed just how sensitive they were to the question of the empire 's internal diversity , for the Brotherhood 's goals were in fact much less radical than St Petersburg supposed and Shevchenko and Kulish may not even have been members .
25 The commodity might have been hides , jade , tobacco , salt or precious metals , so long as it was accepted as a means of discharging obligations .
26 The plants were generally bushy shrubs , but some may have been climbers , and others robust enough to form small trees .
27 Or they may have been hunters after larger prey , in which case when appendages are eventually discovered they may prove to have adaptations for grasping and manipulating larger food .
28 These would have been collaterals in whom Ivy might have delighted .
29 Choreographers must have been dancers themselves if they are to understand and feel the natural abilities of the body and to allow fur the influence of the techniques in which they have been trained .
30 But in addition there was apparently some connection between their grandparents so they may have been cousins also .
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