Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Such relative uniformity may also have given greater cohesion to the Angevin Empire , for its major towns from Rouen to La Rochelle and Bayonne shared the Etablissements .
2 That in turn might have given wider diplomatic and political options a chance .
3 Wherever they were , they would have been bombarded with radiations ; and as the primitive atmosphere was different in composition from that of today , and in particular would have lacked an ozone layer , they could well have received higher doses of radiation than they would today .
4 I could not have received better treatment anywhere in the world .
5 Readings were taken only at one minute intervals , and therefore saturation values may have fallen lower inbetween , although the automatic alarm set at 85% was never activated .
6 They will have travelled wider , and taken the European dimension for granted in their lives .
7 But routine screening of milk for contaminants should have disclosed higher lead levels by mid-October .
8 But looking purely at the outside bit , If they 'd have had some whitewash on I think they 'd have looked better .
9 it in there , but I , I think a double garage would have looked better than that , actually .
10 If you 'd wanted to separate off your paras , you 'd put in a full size slug because it was easy to make up and the whole thing was absolutely modular erm but perhaps it would have looked better if it had been A four , or you know , Swiss in some way .
11 He also thought she would have looked younger and fitter .
12 Wyvis Hall , logically , should have looked smaller to Adam but it did not , it looked much larger .
13 Songs My Mother Taught Me , by Martin Dalby , opened the concert and this may have been a planning mistake , for its moony , relaxed idiom with little rhythmic excitement might have fared better later on .
14 Their views might have attracted wider sympathy if the regime had been engaging in repression across the board , but although the tsar appeared to move to the right when he appointed Valuev to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Admiral Putiatin to the Ministry of Education , he was very far from abandoning the cause of reform .
15 Later , a second change permitted these tax benefits to be offset against income that would otherwise have attracted higher rates of tax .
16 Other musicians may have enjoyed greater financial reward playing this music , but nobody has done it better or with greater flexibility .
17 They may have been of impermanent materials , such as wood , or the countries may have suffered greater devastation than their neighbours .
18 As a consequence the dinosaurs that preyed on them must also have grown bigger .
19 Where if they would have grown bigger the erm , it would have balanced it .
20 Contingents organised and supplied by churches formed a significant part of Carolingian armies ( a proportion that may have grown larger during the ninth century ) , complementing the king 's own military household and the troops led by lay nobles .
21 Between T 1 and T 2 a respondent will have grown older , possibly more tired , more hungry , etc .
22 Some clearly belonged to relatively small domestic and workshop premises , but others must have adorned larger private houses and official or religious complexes .
23 If the man had struck me I could n't have felt worse .
24 I would have felt worse had they .
25 There was n't anyone else in sight , she would have felt safer if there was .
26 Its A-minus rating has been put on probation , out of fear of ballooning deficits ; it might indeed have met sterner treatment had 1989 not been a mayoral election year .
27 AFTER lunching with Tory candidate Simon Fowler attacking Frank Cook 's 881 Labour majority in Stockton North last Tuesday 's Diary suggested that the sandwiches at the Centenary in Norton might have seen better days .
28 ‘ All our drivers , of course , are trained to deal with an emergency situation too ’ , says Reg Jones , ‘ Standards are getting higher and higher and the majority of drivers who work for P&O Roadtanks not only have a City & Guilds qualification in dealing with hazardous chemicals , but will have attended further training courses to improve the service they can offer the customer . ’
29 The amount of people crammed into offices out here , they should have built longer trains .
30 The Royalist Roman Catholic French would probably have made better conquerors of Ireland , if Ireland had to be reconquered once more .
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