Example sentences of "said [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Talk , talk as though you can tell each other everything you 've ever done or seen or said or thought .
2 The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control : this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased , and acts done against persons other than D ( e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D 's son , daughter , wife , etc . ) .
3 The Homicide Act 1957 deprived judges of their power to give authoritative rulings on the sufficiency of provocation , and the question must now be left to the jury , which should apply the test of the ‘ reasonable man ’ to everything said or done before the killing which might amount to provocation .
4 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
5 Nor will confessions obtained as a result of anything said or done which was likely to render them unreliable , be admissible , unless the prosecution can prove that they were not obtained in this way .
6 To trigger section 76(2) ( b ) , however , it must be the case that there something was ‘ said or done ’ which was likely to render a confession unreliable , and it has been held that this means something said or done to D , as distinct from some words or conduct of D himself ( Goldenberg ( 1988 ) 88 Cr.App.R. 285 ) .
7 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
8 Everything he said or wrote was calculated for posterity , in her view , he sounded like a sheaf of notes looking for a history book .
9 Miliutin either said or implied that the time had passed for half-measures like the Law on Free Agriculturalists of 1803 , the Baltic emancipation of 1816 – 19 and the Law on Obligated Peasants of 1842 .
10 Then I remembered Stephen Roskill telling me not to believe a word Mountbatten said or claimed unless it was corroborated from other sources .
11 As always , he seemed to be apologizing for everything he said or did .
12 The result was a record based on events rather than on reason : things people said or did on particular historical occasions and in particular circumstances .
13 Poor old man , she thought , having by now recovered from the shock of his appearance ; he was so ill that one could n't mind what he said or did .
14 If you will need to relate what someone said or did take time beforehand to remember it clearly and note it down .
15 Whatever the police said or did , decided Meryl , she was going to resign her post at the District .
16 I know that I had no intention of stopping the procedure , whatever anyone said or did to influence me .
17 And when he said that he could n't agree with me , but please , please could n't we let the matter drop since nothing we said or did could alter the course of events , I was enraged because it seemed to me that this really was his attitude , he wanted a quiet life , not to be involved .
18 When Marsh was dumped it did not concern him that as Australian captain anything he said or did might be misconstrued or magnified many times over .
19 Thus Graham Leonard , a prominent English Anglican high church bishop , arguing against the ordination of women : ‘ The Lord of the Gospels whom I know , love and seek to obey is not one who was socially conditioned in what he said or did . ’
20 No-one said or did anything out of the ordinary , but still guilt made her jump when the nurse came in with lunch .
21 My guilty passion made me admire her in everything she said or did .
22 Even if mothers-in-law made every effort to be scrupulously careful in what they said or did , they worried that the children still saw them simply as interfering busybodies .
23 Right up to this minute you were unshakeable in your innocence , no matter what I said or did .
24 The rest of the group hardly moved as if absorbed in everything the coroner said or did .
25 No , I 'll be okay , I said or whimpered — just get me some tea or something Selina , she 's turned the tables on me somehow , that Selina .
26 On occasions like these , friends of Burton reported , he would counter-attack by releasing his temper , tearing up the room and making it quite clear and genuinely credible that whatever they did , said or tried on he would do just whatever he wanted .
27 Children are not unfamiliar with situations in which they tell , or are told , what someone else said or thought ; or in which they tell what they themselves said or thought at some point in the past or think at the time of speaking .
28 If the silence lasts too long for you to feel comfortable , repeat the last thing the person just said or say , ‘ I 'm not sure how to read your silence ’ or ‘ Looks like you 're having some interesting thoughts -would you like to say anything about them ? ’
29 But he said that does not mean the administration has ruled out the use of force in future efforts to oust the general .
30 And the Chief said that does n't compare he said that does not concur with a visit I had last night in Glasgow whilst asleep when he awoke to a gleaming light at his bedroom and he said who are you and this figure said I am God and the Chief Fire Officer said well God , all I want to know is one thing , will I get my southern fire station ?
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