Example sentences of "up [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However the 6W type seems scarce , so its a case of using 3W ( doubling up where indicated ) or a 7W type .
2 This will divert forests from disputed uplands where foresters are frequently held up or defeated in long battles with environment groups .
3 Data on the SparcCenter 2000 can be backed up or migrated through StorageTek 's NearNet system , running Epoch software , to StorageTek 's 4400 Automated Cartridge System .
4 Have you had any , anybody else phone them up or written to them ?
5 For example : After payment of the Preference Dividend and the Preferred Dividend payable in respect of each financial year of the Company ( including any Arrears of the same ) the Company shall [ subject to provisions of clause … of the facility agreement ] pay to the Ordinary Shareholders out of the balance of any profits available for distribution a non-cumulative dividend of such amount as the Company shall determine ( but not exceeding the amount recommended by the Directors such recommendation to include the consent of the Investors ' Director ) on the capital from time to time paid up or credited as paid up on each Ordinary Share .
6 From a black perspective you 're up against a white power structure and it does n't really matter whether you 're being beaten up or abused by the police or by a group of kids on the street , it all comes down to the same thing — racism .
7 When pasture is ploughed up or overloaded by nitrogen input , organic nitrogen is oxidised and the highly soluble nitrate ion is washed quickly through the soil and into rivers or groundwater .
8 Rules allowing farmers to cut set-aside fields to control weeds have resulted in many nests being ploughed up or crushed by machinery .
9 By the time the gay movement started in 1970 the gay friends I had were people I had picked up or met through a pick-up ; I probably knew about half a dozen gay people intimately .
10 The definition the CSD used for its survey was : ‘ organisations which have been set up or adopted by Departments and provided with funds to perform some function which the Government wish to have performed but which it did not wish to be the direct responsibility of a Minister or Department ’ .
11 It was taken over by the British Transport Commission ( later to become British Rail ) in 1949 and much of the magnificent original decoration and marble was either taken away , covered up or painted over .
12 The baby who is picked up or fed whenever he cries soon becomes a veritable tyrant , and gives his mother no peace when awake ; while , on the other hand , the infant who is fed regularly , put to sleep , and played with at definite times soon finds that appeals bring no response , and so learns that most useful of all lessons , self-control , and the recognition of an authority other than his own wishes .
13 you know there was I 've got a policy er here that I can take out and you took it and then that was it and you spent the rest of the time talking about this one policy whereas , because you 'd been thinking about that one , there may have been others that you may have been able to disturb her about or erm you know if she had other member of the family or education , whatever , there was , there was other areas that maybe you could 've brought up or gone back to anyway .
14 Q THIS year some of the buds on my clematis , Comtesse de Bouchard , have either dried up or produced very small flowers .
15 My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary commented on people who arrive here having torn up or got rid of their documents on the aeroplane .
16 The business might one day be sold off , wound up or nationalised by the host government .
17 Sometimes , too , information was deliberately falsified , misrepresented , touched up or omitted or withheld from the pope , as by the emissaries of Baldwin IX of Flanders .
18 That is the rule — in this case , a legal one — is backed up or underwritten by sanctions — in this case , legal ones — designed to ensure compliance with it .
19 Now I I think I would like to ask the county to come in and deal with this question of how much of their forty one thousand two hundred is new build and how much is gon na be taken up or provided by the conversion .
20 Some of the large species , if picked up or trodden upon , can give a painful bite ; but none are really dangerous and few human fatalities have resulted .
21 He had not , as far as anyone knew , not that anyone cared , yet been beaten up or raped .
22 He was one of many sailors who , when they disappeared to sea for a year or more , would receive letters from Minton , most of which were torn up or thrown away .
23 It has set up or helped over 8,000 businesses .
24 Moreover , the herb can be planted without disturbance to the roots , almost immediately after buying , whereas those sent through the post may spend many days travelling in inadequate packaging , having been dug up or removed from a container .
25 Throughout 1936 Danzig teachers , trade unionists and politicians who were unsympathetic to the Nazi Party were beaten up or suspended from their jobs .
26 Fall-rise and rise-fall tones , however , can be quite difficult to recognise when they are extended over tails , since their characteristic pitch movements are often broken up or distorted by the structure of the syllables they occur on .
27 You got him on the C B or something dad says and er he says she wo n't be up cos got ta take her to the doctors or something
28 Then Robert Topping , the Conservative Chief Agent , drew up and presented to Chamberlain a memorandum saying that ‘ from practically all quarters ’ he heard the view that the leader ought to go .
29 The list had been drawn up and presented to Cristiani by the independent Truth Commission , with responsibility under the peace agreement for ascertaining who was responsible for human rights violations during the civil war ( 1980-1991 ) .
30 Records of membership , subscriptions and payments had to be kept , and at times of dispute , petitions and other statements of grievances were drawn up and presented from at least the beginning of the eigh-teenth century .
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