Example sentences of "can [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where can little Robin be ?
2 The questions to be asked in relation to adoptive parents are : first , whether they can successfully parent a child and develop deep attachments to it without a feeling of ‘ entitlement ’ or of being in charge and whilst there are continued visits or contacts by birth parents or birth relatives .
3 I walk as quick as I can so Mr Jackson wo n't find me .
4 Gould , forced to operate at the lower end of the transfer market as Coventry tighten their belts , can only gaze in wonder as Dalglish spends multi-millionaire Jack Walker 's money .
5 But remember it was Mrs Thatcher , who when she was arguing against the er European Monetary System , said you ca n't buck the markets , and ultimately that is true , or at least more precisely , you can only buck them at a cost , you can only buck it by buying or selling pounds , which messes up your money supply , or raising or lowering your interest rates at a time when you might not be wanting to do so .
6 If you choose the ‘ one direction ’ option , you can only wellie it in the direction you 're facing .
7 The Tories are , as in 1966 , once more devoid of ideas and can only resort to attacking and insulting the other parties .
8 Her lips are so swollen she is unable to eat and can only sip drinks through a straw .
9 No you ca n't , you , you only have , you can only hand write .
10 The decision can only fuel speculation that it is suffering badly in the heat of an overcrowded Sparc-compatible marketplace that it once had to itself .
11 Observe that the process is free to execute any of the corresponding SKIP guards ( unc and can only deadlock if it does execute one of these guards .
12 The lion and the mouse can not confederate .
13 Always check to make sure that electrical wires attached to the television or any other appliances , such as reading lamps , are well secured , so that they can not trip people up .
14 Normally the principal counsellee is a child ; but there is no reason why the process can not centre upon the problems of an older relative .
15 I fully I fully accept that , er you would obviously build in the facilities which are necessary , but the most of the settlements are limited by existing physical and other constraints , and those can not be overcome , you can not duel the A nineteen as far as Easingwold without very substantial harm , for example to the open countryside , even if it were physically possible and economically possible , to expand Easingwold , sorry , to expand Tadcaster to the required size , we 'd need to roll back greenbelt boundaries , again contrary to P P G two .
16 If the Government can not man a Committee , they should draft in English Members .
17 The rule also pushes up costs , since a non-bank can not route all its card business through its main finance department .
18 The night duty men are also called early from their beds to parade for the football matches , therefore with insufficient sleep , coupled with hours of standing in the cold within a short space of rising from a warm bed , it is not surprising to have a heavy sick list … can not matters be arranged more conveniently for the family man ?
19 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
20 You can not will yourself to fight against the truth , he wrote .
21 You can not will yourself to hold out against reality .
22 Kant thinks , for example , that one who breaks a promise , because it is going to land him in personal difficulties to keep it , can not will that everyone would break their promises in these circumstances , for the situation in which no one kept promises which it turned out in the least difficult or vexatious to keep is an impossibility .
23 But mothers can not parent in a social vacuum .
24 Still , taking it for what it is , I can report that it is on the whole satisfactorily performed , due mainly to the merits of the soloists : Barbara Schlick 's soprano rings out finely in the wonderful air with cello , ‘ What passion can not Music raise or quell ’ ( I give titles in the familiar English rather than the German used here , of course ) , and again in her paean of the organ , though in the final chorus the sense and the noble simplicity of the solo soprano in turn with the choir , a real piece of English eccentricity , somehow becomes merely odd in German .
25 We can not mooch off without recording the 1991 Co Durham crime figures .
26 If you find you have a problem and can not hostess your group meetings as arranged , PLEASE contact the organiser who will help you , if at all possible , to find another venue nearby to avoid frustration and disappointment for others .
27 You can not odds against the free newspapers coming through your doors , they 're a pain to all of us !
28 It 's like , sort of thefts of motor vehicles , we can reduce the theft of the actual vehicle , because there are security devices now to do that , to make it harder and you can not odds somebody coming along the street , throwing a brick through a window and grabbing your cassette out .
29 VIP guest George Pattison , the Dean of King 's College , Cambridge , won a rousing cheer at the ceremony when he told the crowd : ‘ I am disappointed we can not sentence anyone to the stocks today .
30 That does not mean , he wrote , that if the body does not protest the project necessarily has any value , though for reasons I have gone into already it is necessary to put such thoughts out of mind , they can not help , they can only hinder , they can not water , they can only blight .
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