Example sentences of "can [verb] are " in BNC.

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1 At that time , of course , unemployment was not the major issue it is today , neither did we have the burden of AIDS , but I still maintain that the most important changes we can make are the ones inside our own heads .
2 Such attempts as we can make are essential .
3 The types of questions which can arise are varied ; for instance , ‘ Can we turn the paper over ? ’ ,
4 The factual circumstances that can arise are infinite and the judges rely on a mixture of legal principle , policy and common sense to guide them through the maze .
5 Notes that you can consult are of great value , but much of the fundamental interpretation of your subjects must be based on an effective memory when notes are not to hand .
6 The sort of questions it can answer are , for example :
7 Thus stylistic dating needs to be used with great care , and it must be accepted that the results it can give are not particularly secure .
8 Now uranium erm is , is er a non-renewable resource like oi oil and coal and gas but there 's an awful lot of it in the world and this is erm the reserves of the energy they can give are compared to the remaining reserves of coal or and er gas , you can see it 's one of the largest energy resources on on earth .
9 All one can give are probabilities that particles will be emitted in certain modes .
10 The only words of comfort I can give are that the more emotional freedom you give your children , the more likely you are to keep their love and affection .
11 What I can give are examples of the expertise and facilities provided .
12 This is why unqualified reports which cite the large , or small , number of TV channels which a coaxial cable can carry are meaningless .
13 It may be argued that such distinctions between what machines can do and what only humans can do are of merely temporary interest , since in principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be devised , some day , to do .
14 The jobs they can do are limited , and they arc thought to bc less intelligent and more easily pleased .
15 The four outcomes that can result are taken to be as labelled in the Box ( over page ) .
16 Jane Fowler asks why only 9 per cent of women who can benefit are taking the option There are still too many doctors who will say ‘ I 'm afraid it 's just your age , my dear ’ or ‘ You 'll just have to live with it'
17 Unforunately , the only two I can remember are the Vicar 's Wife 's Half-Crown by Stealth out of Trouser Pocket , and the Vicar 's New Overcoat by Good Luck out of Easter Offering .
18 So the parts that you can remember are possibly parts that God really wants you to hear AND do something about !
19 It still encompasses those things too , but the fusions of music and word and gesture that new opera can sustain are both rich and mysterious , and , significantly , capable of attracting an audience that would find the old-fashioned operatic conventions quite outside its frame of reference .
20 The strategy services which MAS can provide are outlined below .
21 It 's all dark and all I can see are these metal cages all round .
22 I look all the way round but all I can see are the shapes of the trolleys and the wire fence on both sides .
23 The only planets we can see are the ones that orbit the Sun — far too small a sample to draw any conclusions from .
24 They are being engaged in activities which have a direct relevance to work they are already involved in , and which they can see are designed to help them do this work more effectively .
25 Those three hills we can see are on the big island .
26 ‘ So all I can see are your fingers , your toes and your naughty bits ? ’
27 The low hills you can see are like islands surrounded by the marsh .
28 At night all you can see are the lights , a breathtaking panorama .
29 Finally taking a look at traffic in and around Nottingham 's roads the vehicles I can see are moving steadily .
30 All you can see are their eyes .
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