Example sentences of "would be be " in BNC.

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1 Would be be cooked alive ?
2 Erm well , I mean that that would be be erm
3 It was generally assumed that they would probably prove to be complementary to each other , but what the optimum mix would be was far from clear .
4 All I would be was a punchbag for his escaping fury , the entity he saw as a new unbearable threat to his dominance in Tremayne 's stable ; the interloper , usurper , legitimate target .
5 The possessed woman , like her bewitched counterpart , becomes the immediate centre of attention and care , and although she exerts pressure upon her spouse the latter is not assailed as radically as he would be were he accused of being a witch .
6 But , having said that , we have tried in the Ministry of Defence where market testing has been the order of the day to say that it 's confusing , that would be being polite , Mr Chairman .
7 The icing on the cake would be being able to reunite people with property they 've had stolen .
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