Example sentences of "what [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 And she knew herself to look better , clad in what passed for finery these days , than she did in the house where with so much work to do she had not a moment to spare for her appearance .
2 Friendship there , or what passed for friendship , never crossed the great divide of political allegiance and in the acrimonious clamour of the staffroom could swiftly deteriorate into gossip , rumours , recriminations and betrayal .
3 The first indication of the direction his mind ( or what passed for it ) was moving had come at the beginning of the trial when he called in two other judges to help determine whether the free pardon that Meehan had been granted quashed his conviction .
4 They jogged round a corner , and found themselves in what passed for the town square of Dead Rat , Arizona .
5 The sound was over and silence was back , or what passed for silence here .
6 But from somewhere in the fog of received wisdom and what passed for it , struggling to be heard above the sound of cracking whips , a persistent and unrepentant voice relayed a subversive message .
7 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
8 Sir Anthony 's lips slid over his small teeth in what passed for his public smile , and he accepted , without waiting for their answer .
9 A movement was born that provided for the next four years the reference point for the left , and for artists and what passed for Britain 's Beats .
10 Since it was to be a fortnightly , the best thing was to alternate with the other half of what passed for London 's alternative press , Private Eye .
11 What passed for reality on the discworld reasserted itself with a rush of sound .
12 And if you want to see what passed for America 's energy policy , you 're looking at it .
13 The scheme was funded out of general taxation , though an element of payment for the health service remained in the national insurance contribution , creating a confusing illusion that this was what paid for the service .
14 It is worth noting that what began for Victoria as admiration , tinged with a degree of condescension , developed over the years into genuine friendship and a respect for Eugénie 's character which was to link both sovereigns ever more closely until the Queen 's death in 1901 .
15 What began for us as the effort to capture a purely objective record of what we saw gradually dissolved into a quest , an odyssey of self-discovery which actually took place amongst the last of the lands of real living kings and queens , dragons and pirates , cannibals and headhunters , mystics and magicians .
16 WHAT began for me as a culture shock 25 years ago , has now transmuted into an enduring sense of sorrow and frustration .
17 ‘ Time Passeth ’ , yet , but poetic values are untouched by the passing of time and what existed for and moved the man Tennyson , still exists to move man today .
18 And er , see , my father , when they used to start the rounds , they used to start , go down the Fen on a Tuesday , er the man what worked for him over the road George worked for him there , a chap named George and my father used to go round Wicken , that 's three miles away from here .
19 Those few who consciously risked the consequences of disregarding it , or allowed themselves unthinkingly to slide into overindebtedness , could still suffer the degradation of what went for life behind the walls of the Marshalsea or the Kidderminster dungeon .
20 It was thinking too much , about the fighting , what did for him , got him all confused .
21 Some , perhaps not without malice , averred that Capella was what did for Mars in the first place , god knows how many aeons ago .
22 So what did for you today ?
23 The ability of Philip Augustus and his immediate successors to translate what had for long been no more than theoretical claims into judicial , and sometimes geographical , reality changed the balance of forces .
24 What lies behind the fear and insecurity of French Canadians is patently a social cataclysm which is indicated by the dramatically sudden collapse of the Catholic Church in what had for so long been a conservative , Catholic , clerical , child- producing society not only among the farmers but among townspeople .
25 This agreement ( which gave formal recognition to what had for several decades been becoming established practice ) brings out well the complexities and ambiguities inherent in much of the administrative structure of old-regime Europe .
26 What accounted for this stubborn resistance of nationalities to the predicted assimilation ?
27 This is what accounted for the enormous popularity of Julius Chongo 's Pocheza M'madzulo , especially in Lusaka and in Eastern province .
28 What remained for most villagers was : ‘ The Hobnail Express ’ , as Sam Friend put it , ‘ Shanks 's pony : stay home or walk twelve miles to Ipswich and perhaps spend the night on Mother Greenfield 's pillow on the way back . ’
29 Faced with a loss of power in 1988 , party officials made increasing use of what remained for their own personal gain .
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