Example sentences of "we be are " in BNC.

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1 We are are building democracy on a slippery surface , ’ says Mr Petr Pithart , the premier of the Czech lands ( Bohemia and Moravia ) .
2 Yeah is n't , you you 're much more labour-intensive than we are are n't you ?
3 Oh yes we are are n't we ?
4 The move was announced in Montreux at the international television festival , where Vic , 32 , real name is Jim Moir , said : ‘ We are are honoured and delighted to be joining the BBC . ’
5 And let me quote Locke er here we are are we he says but submitting to the laws of any country , living quietly and enjoying privileges and protection under them , makes not a man a member of that society then he goes on a little bit further down nothing can make any man so but is actually entering into it by positive engagement and express promise and compact .
6 Yes we are are n't we ?
7 erm If we go back , Kuwait has always been an independent country until the Ottoman Empire was erm threatening that area , and they were ruling the Arab peninsula , which later to be known as Iraq , and when the Kuwaiti people felt the threat of the Ottoman Empire they signed a treaty with the British at that time , and that was in eighteen ninety nine and Iraq was established in nineteen twenty , so we are are ahead of that .
8 What we 're are saying is , There are the sites , they do n't have the development constraints that I would to the extent erm that you believe erm they have , and Skelton and the two objection sites are very well located a whole range of service facilities and employment opportunities , and development on those sites would fit squarely within local plan policy .
9 Right , now we 're are n't we , we 're , because the next time that that handset is used , the black button in other words is dislodged , and lodged , by the way , it will send a signal to the computer saying ‘ Right , it 's your turn to carry out the camp on if you want to , again you 've got the choice , you do n't have to , nobody has to answer a camp on .
10 slightly different material but substantially the same n nature same scale of development , I believe that we have a track record that shows that we were are tough and will continue to be tough I
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