Example sentences of "which for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 At the early end of parenting women can spend literally years in a state of near exhaustion , which for them can make sexual relations very unattractive .
2 Nursing agencies have often been the means to re-entry in the past , and they too are having to adapt to new forces at work which for them could represent a consumer boom .
3 We had much evidence during fieldwork that these complicated rules are maintained by community pressures : for example , when a young East Belfast informant applied a strategy of front-raising ( similar to RP ) to the item chap ( on a word-list ) , he was loudly mocked by his companions , who perceived his pronunciation as an attempt at RP ( which for them is an effeminate stereotype ) .
4 I could not understand at the time why they thought we were Germans , but I later discovered that they knew we were people from a border and the only border they could think of was the one with Austria , which for them was the same as Germany .
5 The thrust of their work points away from the particularities of individuality to engage in different ways with the significance of the Incarnation which for them provides the ultimate pattern of meaning for all men .
6 Which for me , an old trouper , is fraudulent . ’
7 For the record , then , here are six skylines which for me crystallise the quality of the whole 50 I completed ( though in the end there was only room for 45 ) .
8 We scattered Billy 's ashes from an outcrop on the Bwlch Main ridge , which for me now will always be Billy 's rock , and I remembered what he had been — the irreverence , the energy , the humour and essential contradictory humility of the man .
9 These were by no means the only features of the 1979 meeting which for me , as chairman of the meeting in committee , was perhaps the culmination of my association with ICAO .
10 It 's the irrelevance of this texture which for me is one of the two main problems with the book .
11 Today I called for the gravy dinner plus two vedge and a carafe of red — which for me , rotting veteran of Pizza Pit and Burger Shack , of Doner Den and Furter Hut , is the equivalent of a handful of brown rice and a glass of effervescent Vitamin C. ( There are health-food joints around here , run by aged hippies or unsmiling Danes .
12 In his opinion , the theory of civics , in whatever form it was taught , was useless without a real social context , which for him meant the practice of ‘ work ’ , in all its senses .
13 Only through his marriage , which for him was unconsciously rooted in an identification with the bereaved , did he create the conditions where it became more difficult to drive out or cut off from the attachment he both yearned for and feared .
14 Gandhi in fact does conceive the purpose of life to be to know the Self , which for him is equivalent to realizing God or knowing the Truth .
15 It was in ‘ the epic vein' which for him meant a long rhyming poem about knights in armour .
16 Next , the process of expansion would undermine all those institutions which expressed the highly personalised private enterprise which for him was the essence of capitalism ( such as the change in ownership from individual proprietorship to equity participation in large corporations ) , as well as destroy the protecting strata — the aristocracy , farmers and small business — on which it depended .
17 ‘ Very little , I imagine , ’ said the Captain irritably , ‘ and he would n't have got it , either , but he was going to lose his grazing rights , which for him meant he was going to lose everything . ’
18 Although he does not speak there of properties as being natural or not , his account of the sense in which for him there is such a thing as intrinsic value does , I think , serve as an account of what he was getting at in regarding good as non-natural .
19 Foucault is critical of such a theory not just because it is based on a science/non-science distinction which for him is simply the product of a particular discursive formation which claims access to the real , rather than involving any epistemological questions of truth or objectivity , but also because it produces the notion of ideology as a secondary mediation ( as in Althusser 's interpellation ) in an inside/outside structure between the determinants of power and the individual subject .
20 Stratford responded by invoking Magna Carta 's principle of trial by peers , which for him at that time meant trial by the lords in parliament .
21 She was slightly wary of him in this city which for him was replete with memories .
22 As he had stressed in The Rock this was not in the sense of information , but rather in the sense of consciousness of values ; and he deplored a situation where the term society implied simply a group of ‘ well connected ’ and affluent people , which had almost no relation to that other group or society which maintained moral and intellectual standards , which for him was the church .
23 Not all writers , however , thought in national terms ; the distinguished canon lawyer William Lyndwood was not prepared to identify patria with regnum , and instead thought of it as equivalent to regio , which for him meant the province of Canterbury ( 27 , p.172a ) .
24 As might have been expected from his career , he outstayed his welcome and had to be forced to retire from the post — a position previously rewarded with a peerage , but which for him only merited a knighthood .
25 In this case the objects in the client 's discourse were her money ( which for her existed now as part of a house , now as cash again ) , her children , her husband , her husband 's possible future wife and family .
26 Plenty of time , she had declared , in which for her to catch her breath before , at some time prior to eleven , she went off to keep her highly valued appointment with Mr Gajdusek on Friday morning .
27 Use then , as you roughly plan your book , some locality which for you evokes a strong mood .
28 Which for you ? ’ he asked Owen .
29 In 1921 , Siqueiros had urged artists to ‘ avoid those lamentable archaeological reconstructions ’ ( ‘ Indianism ’ , ‘ Primitivism ’ , ‘ Americanism' ) but he had also warned against the use of ‘ archaic motifs ’ from the old masters of European art ‘ which for us would be exotic ’ ; instead his advice was to study the arts of both , learning from the ‘ constructive base ’ , the ‘ great sincerity ’ , of the latter , and the ‘ synthetic energy ’ of the former , to combine the ‘ lost values ’ of the past with new values to produce an art appropriate to modern America .
30 We used to do it almost as a social thing , a conventional Spanish gesture which for us had a special meaning — or at least it did for me , because I looked upon it as a seal on our friendship .
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