Example sentences of "had to be " in BNC.

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1 Of course the answer is changing the myth would have made Moses Hebrew and not Egyptian , because if Moses had been the daughter of Pharaoh he would had to been Egyptian and that the Hebrews could n't tolerate because at a later stage their religion became strongly ethnic and racially divided , you really got to be born Jewish to be Jewish , so they could n't tolerate their , their founding fathers of not being anything but Jewish , so they altered it , they changed the records and they falsified the myth , but they left this glaring inconsistency in it , so the myth is no longer it 's er rewritten and this is one of the little bits of evidence and now of course erm if you do n't take psychoanalyst insights into the family romance seriously , that may not cut much ice for you , but if you erm appreciate the force of these unconscious stereotypes in creating this like this , it 's cert it 's a quite potent piece of evidence because you think well why should the , the Bible change the myth , why ca n't it just put up with the normal myth .
2 ‘ Why you had to is a mystery to me , but do n't do me any — ’
3 ‘ I do n't mean lucky that your mother and father died , but if they had to was n't it great you did n't go somewhere awful ? ’
4 There were other things that had to be reconciled , and we hear presently of ‘ a role of inherent superiority which came to me from outside , from the servants among others .
5 But the remaining 43 were to be elected by local and national politicians on a vocational basis : that is , they had to be elected to five panels for which they would qualify by having the requisite vocational expertise — administrative , cultural — educational , labour , industrial and commercial , and agricultural .
6 As has already been seen , it was the style of both church and politicians to avoid their mutual consultations being known , which tells us that the secularity of the state at that time was partially a façade , but one which it was felt by both interested parties had to be maintained , probably so as not to confuse the faithful .
7 It indicates that a real change did eventually take place after all , in so far as freedom of information and the inappropriateness of direct consultation without public mediation eventually became accepted as something which , at worst , had to be risked and something which , at best , formed an essential task of the construction of a Christian conscience in a Christian society .
8 It announced that , if doctrine as opposed to Bible stories was to be a part of school education , then such religious education could not adopt a common denominator approach between the churches , but had to be total in its presentation of what the Roman catholic church considered to be the truth , otherwise such an approach would be ‘ dangerous ’ for the children ( Gaine 1968 : 164 ) .
9 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
10 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
11 That is why it had to be big .
12 Though my early dream of cones directly related to moulds and maintained in course of 180° rotation had to be abandoned .
13 Doing it manually , it had to be done over a period of two or three days , fitting it in after work . ’
14 Even young Mr Yardley had to be a possibility , if Mrs Doran was right and he had been ‘ hanging around ’ the tent instead of pursuing job opportunities in Burford .
15 However , I knew that Sarah and John had to be still around .
16 The scheme had an interior logic to it but in order to see it you had to be , let me see , stark raving mad , I suppose .
17 I had n't given up , but that was an ever-present temptation which had to be fought .
18 In consequence , according to the rule book , I now had to be taken seriously .
19 Limewashing began in October and all the houses had to be finished by the end of February , as many would then have the heat turned up to set their inmates into growth .
20 The emphatic denigration contained in this locational insult had to be heard to be understood , and in many ways it paralleled the dismissive tone used to deride the ‘ civvy ’ , for nuances of speech and tone have immense meaning to insiders .
21 We had to be 5′ 10″ at least and most were 6′ 0″ or over .
22 During my relatively short period as a city detective , I was implicitly aware that quality had to be sacrificed to quantity , for the ‘ arrest list ’ was checked monthly and the numerical totals counted .
23 Had to be responsible all her life .
24 I just knew this had to be coming .
25 He felt as abject as a convalescent child and had to be helped up the three stone flights to his cell .
26 Could n't they see how it had to be nourished ?
27 And , in any case such dual commitment Leonard could not share , commitment for him had to be the expression of what drove him ; he was obsessive about his poetry and his life in art .
28 Prayer itself therefore had to be personal , spontaneous and joyous .
29 I had to be rid of them , I decided .
30 I had to be rid of the English boy .
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