Example sentences of "directly upon " in BNC.

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1 By an incomes policy I take it that , for the purposes of our discussion , we mean an attempt to influence the value of money by operating directly upon specific prices ; and price of course includes earnings , i.e. the price of a quantity of labour in a particular application .
2 He succeeded in isolating the essential germ-killing element , and created sulfanilamide , the first modern drug to work directly upon the cause of infection .
3 But if we are to preserve the creatures that rely directly upon water as their medium , technique and science alone are not enough .
4 Most of the animals in the sea either feed directly upon the diatoms and flagellates of the phytoplankton , or feed upon creatures that have fed upon that phytoplankton .
5 Of the pelagic animals , some fish browse directly upon the plankton , as do the baleen whales , which concentrate upon the euphausiids and copepods .
6 Other measures were unfortunately not undertaken seriously ; unlike better health provision they impinged directly upon the political and economic interests of dominant classes or groups .
7 There was another side to loving myself , that for me seemed to bear directly upon my cancer .
8 Partnership arrangements between a college and a company or companies might encompass a range of activities , including skills-updating courses , supervisory management and intensive language tuition for example , which fall outside the scope of this chapter because they do not impact directly upon the 16–19 age group .
9 Each of the Houses discharges a range of minor functions which do not bear directly upon either of the above two major functions .
10 Judges of the superior courts hold office until death or retirement ( see below , pp.200–1 ) — their salaries are charged directly upon Consolidated Fund and are therefore not subject to parliamentary vote .
11 It also suggests that educational reforms will be of limited success unless complemented by policies such as contract compliance which act directly upon demand-side institutions .
12 At the same time they saw a causal link between the predicament of the peasants and their own frustrations ; the political , social , and cultural constrictions which impinged directly upon them seemed to be the product of a society based upon oppression of the masses .
13 It is a principle of limited government based on the ideas that what was required was ‘ a properly equilibrated political system in which power was checked by power in such a way that neither the violent urges of kings , nor the arbitrariness of legislatures could impinge directly upon the individual ’ .
14 The position is complicated by two further factors : the statutory responsibilities placed directly upon certain officers , and the professional qualifications held by many people in local government service .
15 This provides for service , directly upon the addressee and without the use of any form of compulsion , by consular agents and also for the use of the indirect consular channel , service being effected in France through the procureur de la République within whose area the addressee was to be found , and in England through the Senior Master of the Supreme Court .
16 This was given practical effect through the Court 's warning that in implementing the duty of non-recognition , States should not refuse to apply multilateral treaties where the adverse consequences of non-performance would fall directly upon the people .
17 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
18 According to Planck 's equation [ 1 ] the quantity of energy depended directly upon the frequency .
19 The third again focuses directly upon the child but we may sometimes ask ourselves whether the dissonance between child and parents , or child and society at large , is mutual rather than child-centred .
20 Magnesium salts of stronger acids , such as the sulphate , chloride , or nitrite , normally grouped under permanent hardness , are removed in the same way to give a precipitate of the hydroxide , i.e. : unc Calcium salts produced in this way , and also those occurring naturally , can be removed by treatment with sodium carbonate , e.g. : unc The costs of the process depend directly upon the temporary and permanent hardness of the water and upon the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present .
21 It meant that manufacturers no longer needed to seek their power where there was fast-running water , especially in the higher reaches of lonely dales , but found it near the canals which brought coal to them cheaply , or directly upon the coalfields themselves .
22 But it was only because much , too , bore very directly upon the most urgent domestic questions that it made an impact at home .
23 If you know that there is no case bearing directly upon the problem , say so .
24 It has been suggested that the decision would have been more convincing had the court focused directly upon the principles of proportionality and legal certainty : the withdrawal of the licence was a disproportionate method of achieving the council 's aims , coupled with the idea that there should be no punishment without breach of an established law .
25 However , it is important not to neglect the style and form of the implementation process itself which will impact directly upon those who receive services and will also determine how scarce resources are allocated .
26 In developing countries , where family planning is rarely practised prior to birth of the first child , the timing of first union bears directly upon fertility patterns , including the age at which the woman gives birth to her first child , often also the nature and pattern of subsequent reproductive events , as well as completed family size .
27 This new layout could not be dated precisely within the later first or early second century , though it may well have followed directly upon the final levelling of the military ditches , dated on pottery evidence to the late Flavian period .
28 Thus the Treaty and the subordinate Community legislation are made binding directly upon businesses and private individuals within Member States , and may also be used to challenge the governmental authorities and legislatures of Member States .
29 Painted directly upon the wall , it takes up almost the entire pub .
30 The burden of implementing papal decisions and the decisions of councils fell directly upon the bishops .
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