Example sentences of "instead upon " in BNC.

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1 The emphasis falls instead upon the resurrection .
2 They came instead upon another of Whipple 's scouting parties , under Lieutenant S.M. Rains , and wiped out the entire twelve-man detachment .
3 Choosing to overlook the actual blatancy of British power and concentrate instead upon its supposed attenuation , they produced the definitive celebration of the attempt to govern , not through the threat or application of physical force , but through the power of personal influence alone .
4 He avoids any detailed account of his own position , and relies instead upon the denunciation of alternative arguments and a shrewd analysis of contemporary truisms .
5 However , he says , if English is to be constituted as a truly cultural subject , it must abandon the pre-war approach of covering the ground " , and concentrate instead upon improving reading ability and training taste , which in turn requires a " discipline " .
6 It has been calculated that while Stapledon spent just under half his time before the 1320s in his diocese , once he became treasurer barely a tenth of his time was passed at Exeter ; he relied instead upon the machinery of deputies to maintain his authority and execute his wishes there .
7 As a result , he gave up any further pretense of restoring constitutional democracy and relied instead upon the enactment of a ‘ direct democracy ’ between himself and ’ the people ’ .
8 A further characteristic of earlier physical geography had been the tendency to ignore the Holocene and to concentrate instead upon earlier phases of landscape development .
9 Sherlock distinguished biological aspects which were not considered in detail in his book , which focused instead upon geological aspects with particular attention devoted to denudation by excavation and attrition , to subsidence , to accumulation , to alterations of the sea coast , to the circulation of water , and to climate and scenery .
10 This study focuses instead upon interests in essentially urban industrial landscapes , raising questions of the methodology of assessment in these particular circumstances .
11 Apart from a few lone voices ( see , for example , R. F. Kahn 's evidence to the Radcliffe Committee in 1958 ) , most economists tended to shunt the problem of inflation to the nether recesses of their minds , concentrating instead upon other , more pressing problems such as the difficulties of reconciling a high level of employment with balance of payments equilibrium .
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