Example sentences of "[been] bring under " in BNC.

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1 During the above step , focus your attention on the sensations in the part of your body that has been brought under tension .
2 Some days later when the forest fire had been brought under control , rescuers arrived to find the charred remains of the brave telegraph despatcher , his finger still on the telegraph key .
3 Admittedly , air pollution has been brought under control over many populous areas as a result of smoke control measures and legislation associated with Clean Air Acts .
4 In the fourth situation , nervous disorders partially interpret the relationship between the two variables , but there is still a direct effect remaining after that variable has been brought under control .
5 Only a few prosecutions have been brought under this Act .
6 Since nationalisation under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1964 , the exploitation of all coal reserves within the United Kingdom has been brought under public control .
7 One of the most marvellous happenings of the past few decades is the way in which infective diseases have been brought under control and even virtually abolished by modern drugs and vaccines , better hygiene , safe water supplies , modern sewage systems .
8 By the time the second oil shock hit Japan in 1979–80 the rate of inflation had been brought under tight control by a sharp reduction in the level of wage increases , energy-saving technology had been introduced , stricter pollution controls were enacted and LDP support had revived .
9 In either case , the fact that a charge could have been brought under section 15(1) , which covers both , in no way operates to prevent the charge being validly laid as theft under section 1(1) if the prosecution can prove what they must prove , as previously described , under that subsection .
10 The ceiling and the walls in places were badly scorched , but structurally there had been very little damage and , luckily , the fire had been brought under control before it had had time to spread to other parts of the building .
11 Troops were sent to the area , but claims by Doe that the situation had been brought under control proved premature and a dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed on the region in early January .
12 The Army announced on Jan. 4 that the security situation throughout the country had been brought under control , with most members of the Securitate police now in detention .
13 UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , who had described the incursion into Bubiyan island as " a very serious development " , said on Aug. 29 that the incident had been brought under control .
14 It was also announced that the RSFSR government had decided to merge together the Russian Information Agency and the Novosti news agency ( which had been brought under RSFSR control after the failed coup — see p. 38372 ) as one agency headed by the former Novosti chief Andrei Vinogradov .
15 Introducing the budget the Finance Minister and Deputy Premier , Vaclav Klaus , said that the government considered the transformation of the economy to be proceeding " satisfactorily " on the whole , above all in comparison with the neighbouring communist states : inflation had been brought under control after the deregulation of prices early in 1991 , the exchange rate of the koruna had been maintained , foreign trade had developed favourably , and foreign debt had increased only marginally .
16 The fires which have destroyed six hundred homes in California have now been brought under control .
17 Serious fires in one wing and the engineering workshops had been brought under control , said Mr Lewis .
18 The chain was fined £19,200 and ordered to pay £4,700 costs for the offences , the charges having been brought under the Food Safety Act .
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