Example sentences of "[Wh adv] should [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With economic convergence a crucial factor in proceeding with European Economic and Monetary Union , how should Government address the issue of regional economic convergence and development , particularly in the peripheral regions ?
2 But even if doctors were unanimous about the effects of lead emission on health , how should society value a marginal increase in the health of current and future generations ?
3 How should society make plans today for the quantities of goods to be produced and consumed in the future ?
4 But how should expenditures on inventories be recorded ?
5 How should specialist services respond to this challenge ?
6 How should knowledge be represented , and within what framework should the inferences be made ?
7 How should indexicals be accommodated , so that the notion of logical consequence , as it applies for example to the inference from ( 14 ) to ( 15 ) , can also be applied to the inference from ( 16 ) to ( 17 ) ? ( 14 ) John Henry McTavitty is six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds ( 15 ) John Henry McTavitty is six feet tall ( 16 ) I am six feet tall and weigh 200 pounds ( 17 ) I am six feet tall Clearly , in order for ( 17 ) to be a valid inference from ( 16 ) , the referent of I must somehow be fixed — the inference does n't follow if ( 16 ) and ( 17 ) are said by different speakers .
8 How should China be treated : with fear or favour ?
9 A dividend is usually paid as a percentage of the consolidated profits of Newco , but a number of points require consideration in determining how " profit " should be interpreted : ( i ) should the dividend be based on pre- or post-tax profits ( ii ) should the calculation of profit take into account any transfer or proposed transfer to reserves or to general provisions ? ( iii ) should profit include pre- or post-extraordinary items ? ( iv ) how should goodwill be treated ? ( v ) should directors ' emoluments in excess of an amount agreed with the investors be added back ? ( vi ) should profit be defined before payment or the provision for payment of dividends ?
10 How should teachers behave in order to stimulate the desired learning processes ?
11 Given this , how should Devon SSD best respond to the post-modern world of community care in providing services to elderly people ?
12 how should budgets be prepared ?
13 What remains to be answered , even if pension rights are capable of transfer , is what are the precise obligations of the purchaser in this regard , and how should compensation be calculated in the event of a breach by the purchaser of these obligations ?
14 How should managers be trained and developed ?
15 How should outcome data be used ?
16 For example , how should policy makers react if , having been persuaded that the larger part of observed unemployment is Keynesian , they are also persuaded that NAIRU lies well within the range BC in Figure 8.8 ?
17 How should floors be prepared for laying a wood floorcovering ?
18 How should helpers by chosen ?
19 Is a physical count necessary and how should obsolescence be provided for ?
20 How should expectations be passed between levels , and how strongly should they influence other processes ?
21 Given that it is impractical to have a third investigation , how should inconsistencies be treated ?
22 With the status quo no longer an option , the question is how should health services be reformed , not whether .
23 how should overheads be recovered ?
24 If , as the provost pointed out , two watchmen were now required at Inverkeithing , how should Cunnan have a place and Cunningham 's friend be left essentially unemployed ?
25 How should feedback be given ?
26 Fifth , how should employment screening for disability be controlled ?
27 The question is how should grammar be learned so that its intrinsic communicative character is understood and acted upon .
28 How should trade unions be involved in Compact ?
29 How should language teachers react to the besetting influence of ideas about language and learning which emerge from the domains of disciplinary enquiry , from research in linguistics , psychology , sociology , philosophy , and education ?
30 How should marketing operations within each country be organised and implemented to achieve these objectives ?
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